Why doth my head head so.....

Note : This post takes places entirely in Phil's sub-concious(sp), adn as such anything that happens is NOT real..as it were..or is it.......mwahhhh etc type thing
Phil was on the Dwarf. The Big Red one that is, not the pervy little one.
"So you finanly made it back"
"Who said that..."
"I did!!
Phil looked around..there was no-one about
"Over here numpty"
"What? I didnt touch you..."
"Just felty like me head got smacked off a rock or tree stump or something"
"Odin's nutcsuk you are taling tosh..look over here"
Phil looked around and saw..himself
"No thats a mirror my smeg for brains..Over here!"
Phiul turned and looked at himself..only..there was something differnt about this one...
"YOU!!" he screamed and yelled at the doppleganger infront of him
"Yup me..Good old Black eyes is back" he said grniing
"Oh btw..this is not real..just thought i'd take the opertunity to hack into your brain like..Since you and you lot fecked things up for me..The Hym have not extaclty been pleased with me.."
"I will NOT let you back in my head..not again..."
"You misunderstand me..i dont want to hurt you.. I want.."
Whatever the other was trying to say was masked by phil grabbing his head and screaming as yet another rock decided to make contact with his napper. We he looked up the other was gone
***meanwhile somewhere else**
"Did it work?" one asked..
"Almost..the link was disrupeted his end...we have to try again..and soon..only this time a little less feedback..the last time we tried it he went amnesica.."
endth part one

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