
She bolted into her quarters and leaped up onto her top bunk in onemovement, her half GELF instincts kicking in and allowing herstartling speed and agility. She crawled under the covers still in herclothes and sobbed into her JMC Standard issue pillow.
There came a knocking on her door
"Go away!" she called, slighlty muffled
"Open this door now young lady or i'll have words with yor mother!"
"No it's the fecking midget with a voice open this door"
Amber stood up and wipped away here tears. She opened the door to see...MP grining
"oh is you.."
At this point regular Phil popped his head round thye door frame smiling
"BOO sorry hunny could not resist..Thought i'd styop by to...why you been crying...?"
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