Re: Landing the Wessell

"Yoo don't need the boots yet, but youll be glad for the coat,
> it is Minus 25 at the moment, if yoo stay like yoo are now, youll
> catch hyperthermia in no time." Joe wrapped himself in the coat
> gratefull for it. Even so, with the coat, Joe still stared at the
> flames on the side of the Phoinex and wished they were real.
Who: Kevn G Fenard
where: Noo Russia
when: after snip
(I hate the fact I'm on a dirty, cold planet... Looking for an
ocelot... What the hell *is* an ocelot?) Kevn rubbed the bruise on his
head... (The git could've been given me a heads up...) He looked at
the landscape... how dull...
He looked at the list of things they needed to get... (What the smeg
is an ocelot!!???) He thought about it for a while... (Whatever...)
He sighed, "How are we going to find these critters?"
<tag anyone...>

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