I want to go away... pt1

Who: Alandra and Alicia
When:A little while after she found out
Where:Alicia's quarters
After coming from the Medibay and getting frustrated with the
doctors. Alandra rushed down the hall and into the the xpress
"Take me to Alicia Bevair's hallway please" Alandra asked.
The elevator took what seemed forever to Alandra to get there.
Alandra's patients almost gone.
She ran out of the elevator. She then looked back at the elevator,
relunctant to tell her sister the news.
Alandra sighed standing there.
She then turned back around and walked slowley. So slowley she could
almost fall over if sombody pushed her.
Alandra then got to the door and nocked. She could hear thumping and
a bang in the quarters inside till Alicia finally opened the door.
"Alandra, glad to see you!" she said with a smile.
Alandra walked in as her sister closed the door behind her.
"Ive got some bad news" Alandra sighed.
"Well sit down, do you want a beer?" Alicia asked
Alandra shook her head no then sat down. Alicia almost looked
confused knowing her sister would never refuse a beer. Alicia then
sat down.
"Ok tell me sis" she said with a slight concern on her face
"Well I dont know how to say this any simpler but Im pregnant"
Alandra sighed
A shocked face of horror grew on her face. "What! Are you still
togeather with Peter?" Alicia asked almost panicked
Alandra shook her head no. Alicia then sighed. "Im sorry this had to
happen to you sis, what are you going to tell dad?" she asked.
"Im not" Alandra said simpley put.
"Oh, well I hope there would be an easier path knowing you, but
there isnt, Im sorry" Alicia said with a sad look on her face.
"Its not your fault" Alandra said starting to cry.
Alicia looked at her, seeing her cry maid her sad for her half
To be continued...

< Prev : This Is Where The Title Would Go If We Were Sensible Next > : A blast from the past... Pt. 2