The Night Before

Who: Amber, Peter, Keto, Shakespeare
Where: A Bar on New Hawaii
When: Two Hours Sshlater
The bar was now virtually empty, but the Blue Dwarf team still
continued strong with their mission to drink the planet dry. Along the
way they had eaten their own weight in peanuts and drunk enough to
make even the most insatiable of alcoholics turn teetotal. Amber was
on the verge of sleep, her makeup slightly smudged over her face,
Peter was smoking a Harpo Marx style cigar and discussing the finer
points of Dickens with Shakespeare, and Keto was asleep, his face in a
beer puddle on the table. He burbled faintly, a couple of peanuts
falling from his hands as he sat up groggily, chair wobbling for a
"Whoosawhassa?" he managed. Amber giggled. She stirred from her
leaning, half asleep position on the bar and slowly moved her head to
look down at Keto. As her head stopped turning, the room briefly
carried on and she toppled slightly, leaning on Peter.
"Hey.... Hey..... Hey.... Hey.... Hey Peter.... Look at him... Keto I
mean.... He's so drunk." Peter groggily looked at Keto and managed a
smirk to cross his face. He let out a gruff laugh and brought his arms
and head forward to rest on the table. Amber, almost paralytic with
drink, managed to fall on top of him and Shakespeare to fall on to
her. The three of them burst into a fresh bout of laughter at their
predicament and tried to get up, making their situation worse.
"Ish the firsht time I've had my commandin' offisher on top of me"
laughed Peter when they managed to get vertical again.
"Who'sh you callin' drink?" asked Keto, waving an admonitory finger at
the group, "I'sh not drink! 'm jusht...relaxshed."
He paused, frowning.
"Why're there sheven of you?"
"I'm not sheven...." Amber complained slowly. "I'm three!" She
grinned. The barman looked at her and frowned.
"Doctor" Peter slurred for some reason in a Irish accent "Your a fine
one to talk about doubles. Your the one with three heads that are
spinning round and round and round and round." He spun his head round
to simulate his warped vision of Keto, culminating in him falling of
his chair to the floor. The others giggled like loons.
"Ah, Peter, though our acquaintance be most brief, thoust bring forth
much merriment." Shakspeare said with a surprising lack of slurring.
"Three headsh? Hmm. That would exshplain the bar shpinning..."
Murmured Keto, looking thoughtful. Then he frowned, looking around
slowly. "Wash we meant to be collectect...collict...gathering thingsh?
Shomething about cococonutsh? Pink fluffy onesh?"
"Come on you guys" said Peter, getting up off the floor, several
peanuts in his hair. "I think we're all tooo drrrrrunk" He hiccuped.
The others didn't bother to argue, but Amber proposed they at least
finish of the bottle of vodka they had. "Okeyy, but only a few
sshotsh" Peter stammered, Keto and Shakespeare nodding drunkenly in
"We are here to collect pink. Fluffffffffy. Cocococococococonuts."
Amber said, like a stuck record and downing a shot of vodka. She
abruptly yawned. "I'm tired. I wanna go to bed." She whined.
"I shecond that moshun!" said Keto, waving another finger in the air.
This time, he overbalanced, knocking over the other three who had only
just regained some sense of what was up and what was down themselves.
<To Be Continued>

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