Making tracks

Who: Team Phoenix
Where: New Russia
When: Several hours after last post.
Team Phoenix had, after several more hours of hard climbing, finally
made it back to where they had left the jeeps. They had decided to
let the now-docile hamster go, instead dragging the dead one out of
the collapsed burrow. They'd been forced to haul it all the way down
the mountain - the hardest part was stopping the carcass sliding
ahead and being lost in a snowdrift.
When they reached their vehicles, it took them some time to start off
again - loading the ex-hamster proved a difficult task. It would've
been easier to blend it first, but no-one (except possibly Yuri)
wanted to stay out in the icy wasteland any longer than they needed to.
When they eventually departed the Siberian Mountains, the team made
tracks for the Phoenix as fast as they could. For all they knew,
there could be more bounty hunters out there, searching for them, or
biding their time, just waiting for their moment.
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