From the depths of memory...

Who: Jessie Alpha, Chrizla
Where: Blue dwarf
When: who knows? sometime after the away teams left. And just after Blast
from the past pt 2 of course.
Jessie had been wandering around the ship again. There wasn't really much
else to do, in fact she almost missed her 'twin'. At least she could
argue with her.
Her thoughts began to drift. If the pirates hadn't attacked, where would
she be now? She smiled, dreamily. Married to Nick, of course. There was
no other concievable possibility, they had been made for one
The glint of her engagement ring caught her eye, jolting her out of the
wonderful fantasy, and she came back to earth with a shock. It would
never happen, could never be. Jessie remebered what the pirates had done,
and her mood turned dark again. As if tearing her life apart hadn't been
enough, they had gone on to destroy everything she knew. All her friends
had perished, and Sandra - who, up til then, had been like the sister
she'd never had - had turned on her. And now the Wyvern, the one thing
she had left, lay in the landing bay like so much scrap metal.
Suddenly, Jessie realised that her feet had led her in an unexpected
direction, and she was standing outside Chrizla's quarters. Wondering
what she was doing, she palmed the door open and peeked inside.
Chrizla was lying on his bunk. Asleep, he looked oddly familiar. Jessie
shrugged it off as her imagination, and was about to leave when she
noticed that the computer terminal was on. Slightly guiltily, she stepped
into the room, curious to see what he'd been doing.
When she reached the screen, the first thing that her eye lit on was the
heading: "SPACE CORP PERSONNEL FILES". Running her gaze down
the entry, she wondered what possible interest he could have in her late
fiance. That was when she realized what she was reading.Name: Nicholas Michael Roylott-Mallard
Family members serving
in Space Corp: Chrizla Mundi (half-brother), ex-captain of JMC Red
Giant, now defence officer aboard JMC Blue Dwarf. It hit her like a physical blow.
<tag Chrizla - if you can't post let me know>

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