... there rises a shark.

<snip> "Thank you..." she trailed off. "Jessie," Chrizla started, "I
know that this may not be the best time, but I must speak my mind. I
like you Jessie. Ever since we got landed in
that cell together I couldn't stop thinking about you. But you're
still in mourning for my brother, so I get an uneasy feeling when I
think of you like that, as if I'm betraying Nick. I don't know how
you feel, but I just wanted to get it off my chest." <end snip>
With no warning, Jessie burst into tears. "How could she have done
that to me?" she wailed. "She was like a sister to me!" Chrizla,
uncertain of what to do, nervously waited for her sobs to die down.
While he waited, he took the opportunity to read the other file that
was attached to Jessie's.
* * *
Chrizla was disgusted. Rich, deceased parents; ambition - the signs
had been there all along. He turned away from the screen, and a glint
of green caught his eye. Trying not to disturb her, he sat next to
the still-weeping Jessie, and gently lifted her hand.
"You didn't tell me you were engaged," he said, trying not to sound
accusing. Jessie shook her head, not ready to talk yet. "The lucky
smegger." Chrizla muttered, disgruntled. "Who is he?" he demanded.
He should have known better.
"IT WAS NICK, YOU *%$^ B******D!" she screamed at him.
<tag Chrizla>
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