
Who: Jessie Beta.
When: after the avalanche.
Jessie opened her eyes, or tried to. They seemed to be frozen shut.
It was cold. It shouldn't be this cold, should it? And wet. Surely it
wasn't supposed to be wet when it was this cold. She tried to focus.
There was something on top of her. Something heavy. There seemed to
be a lot of fur.
Ah. It must be the dead hamster. That would be why she hadn't frozen
to death yet.
She tried to raise her head, and it hit something. "Ow," she thought.
The object felt like steel or something.
For some reason she could barely move. It must be the cold. Was it
cold? It must be cold, because there was snow under her. On top of
her, too. There was something heavy on her though. That wouldn't help.
Her mind was going in circles. She couldn't think straight.
Why was there something lying on her? Oh yes. It was probably the
hamster. She vaguely recalled helping Yuri drag it through the snow.
Why didn't they put it in one of the jeeps? Was it something to do
with the bounty hunters?
What jeeps? Didn't they lose them over a cliff or something?
Why was she lying in the snow? Wasn't she supposed to be going
somewhere? Oh, yes. Of course.
Jessie attempted to sit up, and succeeded only in colliding with the
underside of the Phoenix, knocking herself out cold.
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