An Ending...

Who: Marwood & Team Cliché
Where: Starbug 3 & New France
When: As the Nazi's appeared
Having simply been escorted down to the planet by the battleship,
Marwood and his erstwhile crew were having fun using Starbug 3 to
drop cannisters of Keto's formula into all the lakes, ponds and
reservoirs they could find. They knew that Jay & Keto were somewhere
in The Phoenix but last he heard they had found a waterfall in New
Nice and had offloaded their payload there.
"Marwood, Come in Marwood you bloody idiot!" Mk.9 shouted across the
two way radio in the cockpit. Sighing, Marwood pressed the button on
the console to send back his reply.
"Mk.9 - What's the problem? I've just about finished with my payload
of the vaccine, I can see people slowly changing back to their
natural form, and what's more - I haven't destroyed any major
buildings or annoyed the French."
"I'll tell you the problem" came Mk.9's electronic voice over the
radio "A squadron of Nazi ships are heading in your general
direction in the hopes of spreading you across the surface of the
planet like some kind of human form of Utterly Butterly.
"Damn" he said, as he saw the swastika covered ship come flying
towards him across the horizon. "Oh god, look at the size of that
thing!" he cried, as the scarlet hue of laser bolts exploded out of
the ship with him as his target. Luckily, they only grazed the side
of Starbug, leaving black scaring across the port bow.
"Oh God, they've knocked out our weapons sir - we've got nothing to
stop them with! We're gonna die!!" wailed the blonde technician at
the science console, her ample bosom jiggling like a pair of Swedes
on their honeymoon.
"Calm down Woman!" came the reply of Technician Anderson, sitting
next to him at co-pilot, who had left his post to slap the woman.
"Jesus, why me?" Marwood asked to a God he had never believed in,
except for one Tuesday afternoon he had spent in brothel on Mimas.
Another blast from the Nazi's brought him crashing back by the seat
of his pants into reality, the cockpit swarming with smoke, sparks
and emergency air supplies masks.
Marwood knew what he had to do.
"You guys, get to the escape pod while there's still time. I'll
finish him off from up here. Give my best to the guys back in the
Navigation Dept. Tell them it's been great."
"Sir, are you sure?" asked Anderson.
"Just get to the escape pod while there's still time, I can't keep
him off our tails forever!" he cried over his shoulder to the
younger man. And with that, the three technicians hurried down into
the midsection and clambered into the escape pod, Marwood felt the
vibration of it's launch and turned to look at his screen readouts.
The cockpit was leaking Cadmium Three radiation, which would, if it
didn't kill him, would leave him sterile. But seeing as the rest of
his life was only going to be a few more seconds, he didn't care.
Starbug 3 swung around, it's legs splayed behind it like some fat
old dog going down a hill on a skateboard. Marwood locked the craft
onto the Nazi ship and fired the retros at full power, destroying
them utterly with the overload of power. Hull panels and parts of
the ship began to fall off and even one of the landing legs was
pulled off.
"I'll see you in hell Fritz" Marwood said through gritted teeth, the
G-forces pushing him back into the melting leather of his seat. His
eyes were blinded by the laser light from the enemy ship as it got
nearer and nearer.
There was an almighty silence.
There was an almighty sound.
And then, silence again.
Days later, as the wreckage crew went through the remains of the
ship, all they could find of Lieutenant Peter Alexander Marwood, was
the smouldering remains of a leather flight jacket.

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