The fun begins

Rachin, still lurching through the corridors like something out of a
B-rated 80's horror film, was unsuccessful in his search to find a
dustbin. Which was strange to Rachin, considering the length of the
hallways. It didn't trouble him the least, though, as it wasn't his
job to sweep the floors.
He had taken the express elevators to the Security Office, and
luckily his quarters were but a few doors away. He sprinted towards
his door as fast as he could, this time stopping a full second to
allow the door to open. As soon as it did, though, he lifted his
hand from his mouth stumbled to the waste basket in the corner of
the room.
Three minutes and several moist towelettes later, Rachin had
regained full functional use of his body. He knew he had an
obligation to the pilot to escort the doctor to the Medi-Bay, but he
decided to blow him off. 'Someone else will come along.
Eventually.', Rachin thought. Besides, he had business to attend to.
Rachin, once again agile, leapt onto his bed and unzipped his
clothes bag. From it he pulled an insulated rubber suit. Its
purpose was to keep heat in. Or, in this case, out. He got into the
suit and zipped it up.
Next he went for his armaments bag, which he had carelessly left
open. From this bag he drew a 35mm camera. Okay, so it wasn't a
weapon, but it had a name like one.
Camera in hand, the now-shady character walked casually towards the
poster he had scribbled all over. "Alright, so the first site
is..." Rachin closed his eyes and waved his pointed finger in a
circle. He opened his eyes and stopped his finger over
Parrotts. "The bar on the promenade. Huh. Good choice, though,
it's probably swarming with armed crewmembers- Most people need a
drink or two after running the risk of being blown to smithereens."
Rachin removed his hat and tossed it to the side. Laying on his
head was his favorite dagger.
Rachin used the crystal blade as a screwdriver- you learn to
improvise like that when you're in the Army- to unhinge the
ventillation grate. He climbed into the shaft and made his way for
the bar.
<OOC> I know it seems now like I'm trying to make this guy look
like a super-coordinated character, but don't worry. He'll slip up.

< Prev : 4 arms are not always better than 2 Next > : *Action* - "Helping sometimes earns enemies" pt2