Major Harris 'fresh meat'

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Harris boomed
"Schweeble sir, Joe Schweeble, ermm, I was just on my way to see you sir"
"You are never to call me sir again, get it!" Harris hissed. "Now get into that office now!"
With that Schweeble dashed into the security office without a second throught.
"Bloody new comers!" Harris hissed. More fresh meat that'll either end up causing him more of a headache then usaual or end up in the medical bay for at least once a week like Donover.
Harris then overed over the ship's internal com. "Donover report to my office at once!"
Harris then entered the office, moved behind his desk that was over in piles of paperwork, mostly complents about some of his more wild staff and then settled into his chair. Silently moaning as it squeaked.
Harris then called up Schweeble file and began to review it leaving Schweeble looking a little worried.
It wasn't long before Donover reported to the security office.
"Donover, give Schweeble here the tour and then take him to his quaters." Harris ordered.
"Yes, Major." Donover responed and then said to Schweeble. "This way please."
Donover was happy with showing the new recruits around the ship, at least nothing nasty could happen to him then.
(Alright Schweeble, over to you to what happens while Donover is showing you around ship)

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