Ready, Eddie, Go!

Who: Father Eddie Monsoon
Where: Mars Station
When: After Blue Dwarf had been docked for a few days
Eddie sat on one the blue padded chairs that filled the Departure
Lounge in long, neat rows; he looked up, through the metal and glass
ceiling of the SpacePort at the huge Blue monolith that awaited him.
He got up, picked up his rucksack, and moved towards the toilets,
space travel could play merry hell with ones bladder.
The toilets were like all toilets you get in airports - chrome,
clinical and out of toilet paper. Eddie moved into a cubicle,
noticing some people standing huddled around in hooded tops.
"Afternoon chaps!" he called out cheerily, making them look up and
glare daggers at him. Without noticing, he slipped into a cubicle and
bolted the door.
A Few minutes later, after several muffled cries of "Bloody Calamari
passes straight through me" he emerged from the toilets to find
himself surrounded by the hooded youths.
"Can I help you?" he asked them, as one of them held a knife to his
"Yeah - hand over the bag gramps" said one of them, with a smirk on
his face.
"I can't do that" said Eddie keeping calm.
"You'll do as we say" said the knife wielding hoodlum, holding the
knife closer "or else"
"Sorry" said Eddie, handing over the bag, which one of the gang
greedily snatched.
"What for you old bastard?" said a particularly stupid thug.
"This!" and with a great speed, Eddie grabbed the guys head and
brought it smashing down onto his knee, plummeting the thug into
"Hey! What th-" said another thug as Eddie dislocated his arm and
threw him towards a porcelain sink - the man slumped to floor, with
concussion and rather nasty bruise. One man came flying towards
Eddie, shank held high, but Eddie merely grabbed the guys arm and
threw him over his shoulder, sending him flying head first into a
cubicle and toilet.
"I'll kill you, you old - " but it was too late, the guy had been
kicked square in the knackers by Eddie and had fallen to the floor.
"Not cricket, but all's fair eh?" and with that he picked up his bag
and headed out of the toilets.
"Flight 114 for JMC Blue Dwarf is now boarding at Gate 2" came the
tinny voice over the tannoy. Eddie saw a gang of Miners stub out
their cigarettes and head towards the gate. Eddie followed, heading
for his new life.
<To Be Continued>

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