Death hurts more the second time.

Who: Everyone on the beach
When: Soon after Jay gave the order to evacuate
Where: Beach dome
Mk.9 paddled his board around in preparation for the next set of waves
to roll in. He glanced over to the Pink Tree who was performing a
similar manoeuvre.
Chuckling to himself, he turned to face the beach. What he saw stunned
him and caused several million computations to race through his mind
all at once.
Hundreds upon thousands of people with pale green mottled skin and
various horrible scars were staggering about and dismembering everyone
in sight. Zooming in on the scene he saw several Blue Dwarf members
lying dead in the sand, sporting horrific injuries. He saw Melissa
lying next to a collapsed tent with clear choke marks.
"TREE!" he yelled at the pink tree
"When we come into shore, meet up with everyone else and see to any
wounded. I'll keep these...well, zombies I guess, off your back."
The tree rustled in what Mk.9 assumed was agreement, and they both
caught the wave coming up behind them.
Mk.9 stood up on his board and cocked his arm-gun.
He saw a few zombies encircling the fleeing dwarfers.
"Not on my fucking watch!" he said furiously and began wildly shooting
at the zombies. All he cared about was protecting the crew, and
avenging those who had already fallen. When he and the tree washed up
on the shore, he helped the tree up and followed closely behind it,
mowing down all the undead that were charging them.
They saw everyone leaving, and head along the tunnels connecting the
domes. The pair ran after everyone else as fast as they could and
eventually found themselves looking at an old run-down pub with an
amusing sign. Hundreds of the zombies had surrounded the pub, and were
groping the walls hoping to find an opening. Mk.9 sighed and charged
into the crowd of zombies, blasting wildly. When finally he and the
tree reached the door, he knocked on the door, the zombies clinging to
him wondering why his limbs weren't coming out too easily. A voice
called through the door.
"Who goes there?"
"It is I, King Arhtur!" Mk.9 called back
"No you smegging idiot, It's Mk.9, now let me in."
"Can't. Too many zombies. Come back later."
"Look, go get Jay or someone"
There was a long pause and then a new voice called through the door.
"Ah, it is you! Um...are you a zombie?"
"No you prat, now let me in."
"Can't. Too many zombies. Come back later"
Mk.9 was getting tired of this. He threw off the zombies clinging to
him and blasted them to ashes. He then promptly kicked down the door,
and stepped inside, closely followed by the big pink tree and hundreds
of zombies.
Mk.9 calmly opened a panel on his chest, pulled out a large
high-powered plasma-rifle, and threw it to Jay, who had already
started moving towards the door.
The pair both faced the door with their weapons and began shredding
the ensuing masses of zombies. People shrieked as bits of body parts
flew at them.
"Glad you could join us." said Jay
"No. Leave us a door next time!"

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