Matt Lister v.s. the Cascarian zombies

Who:Matt,Casca,HG and some of Casca's crew members
Where:Casca's warship mostly
When:A while after last post
Matt and HG were in the cockpit of his starbug talking about old
times when a shadow fell across the ship.They looked up out of the
ship and saw a huge ship flying towards them.On fire and exploding.It
crashed a few metres away so they decided to investigate it.
They arrived at it a few moments later and found a huge gaping hole
in it.It was the only entrance so they went inside.It was dark and
silent.Machinery was smoking and crackling.There was a foul stench in
the air and Matt didnt like it one bit.He clutched his shotgun and
shifted his eyes.He heard moaning coming from down the passageway so
they went to see what it was.They found it was a man,his shirt was
torn and he had cuts everywhere like he had been stabbed and
bitten.He called out to him and he turned around.What Matt saw scared
him to his soul.His eyes were blank and soulless.His face was covered
in blood.In fact most of his body was covered in splatters of
blood.His arm was hanging from his shoulder only by a single
vein.When he stood up Matt saw that his chest had been ripped open
and his internal organs had been devoured."I dont like the look of
this."Matt muttered to HG.Matt felt something,something like heavy
breathing on his back.He turned around and saw another man almost
exectly the same as the one in front of him,exept this one's head had
been cut clean off and blood was spurting from arteries in his
neck.He was holding his head up to Matt.He was about to take a bite
when he grabbed his arms and hurled him at the the other one.He
landed on him and Matt shot them until you could see right through
them.He laughed but stopped abruptly when he saw hundreds of them
surrounding him and HG looking hungry and angry."I dont think that
you should have done that."HG said."Jet pack."Matt said."What?"asked
HG."Jet pack!"Matt shouted switching on HG's jetpack.HG began to fly
up and Matt grabbed on to him.The zombies all tried to reach him and
threw their limbs up in order to knock them down.They landed on a
broken bridge and Matt opened the door and was met by even more
zombies.He quickly closed the door again.He switched HG's jetpack on
again and grabbed onto him.They both flew up and landed in a
passageway.They crept down it trying to be as quiet as mice.They
heard footsteps from around the corner so they silently moved down to
towards where the noise was coming from and jumped round the corner
only to be met by a lizardman."What,Lister?"it
cried."!"Matt yelled."What are you,and what are
you still doing alive?"
"There will be time for explanations later Lister,"Casca told
him."But for now we have to concentrate on getting out of here."
"What happened?"Matt asked."A plauge spread abord my ship and
infected my crew,"Casca explained."I fought my way to here with my
servent Grovell."
A smaller lizardman appereared behind Casca."Anyway I suggest a truce
for now until we get out."
Matt thought about it for a while."Deal."he said eventually.They
shook hands but Matt didnt trust Casca one little bit.The heard
shuffling of feet from down the corridor and aimed at the
darkness.Six figures emerged from the end of the hallway with rifles
and shotguns."Dont shoot." one said."We've found a way out but its
blocked by a piece of wreckage,we came back here to find a blow torch
or something."
Matt said that HG had a built in blowtorch they could use and soon
they were on thier way.The walked down the passage covering all sides
as they did.Suddenly a crowd of zombies came out of nowhere at them
they all opened fire,limbs flew and guts popped and scwelched.They
killed the last of them.One of the crewmen was shaking and sweating
terribly.He just couldnt cope with it.He snapped."I c-cant d-do
it,"he whimpered."I-I ju-ust-t c-can-nt do i-it!"
He took his un and ran out in front of them laughing maniacly.They
all told him to get back but he ignored them and danced,telling the
zombies to come and get him.So they did.They all ran for him and
cornered him."Go now,"Casca cried."There's nothing that we can do
They ran past them and continued thier journey.Meanwhile the mad
crewman was crying,screaming and shooting in all directions to save
himself.He was soon and inevitably overwhelmed and was bitten
allover.His stomach was torn open and his intestine was eaten in
front of him he screamed and blood gushed out his head and mouth and
down his face then he died.The others were all running now as there
was an army of zombies on thier tail.One of the crew members tripped
and fell."Get to the exit now," he roared."I'll deal with these
ones."He got up and went down another corridor getting all the
zombies to follow him.They finally reached the exit and HG began to
cut through the wreckage.Matt closed the door behind them and bumped
into Casca."Watch yourself Lister!"Casca shouted."Sorry."Matt
said.The other crewman ran to the command deck and got a detonator
and plugged it into the ship's entire system.He set it for two
minutes.He took a deep breath and opened the all doors.The zombies
poured in and shuffled slowly towards him.He put his gun down,threw
his grenades at the zombies and closed his eyes never to open them
again.HG finally cut threw the wreckage and they all escaped and just
kept on running.Inside the zombies had finnished with the crewman and
were examaning the detonator.The timer reached zero and
exploded.Completely obliterating the whole ship and engulfing it in
fire.The survivors reached a spaceport and Casca found another
ship."So since me and HG saved your life I suppose you'll stop trying
to kill me?"Matt asked."No,"Casca said."It doesnt."He boarded his new
ship with what remained of his crew and flew away before Matt had a
chance to retaliate."I suppose we have to watch out for Casca
again."HG said."No,"Matt said calmly."He'll have to watch out for
me,remmember when I bumped into him,I put a tracker on his ugly face
so I can find him wherever he is."
On Casca's ship,Casca was looking at a screen with a red dot on
it."You better watch out Lister,"he said to himself."I put a tracker
on your ugly face when you bumped into me so that I can track you
wherever you are."
They both laughed manically until they turned purple and fainted.

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