Six Years!

OOC1 - Welcome to the newbies!             And Louise, don't worry that no one replied, you used a character that was in another place. Try interacting with someone on the Ffion planet?OOC2 - Happy Anniversary to me! Six years ago on this day I joined BD, and I'm still enjoying it. Thanks to those who've backed me up over the years. You guys all rock for making it a great place to write and have fun! Hugs to you all.
---------------------------------------------------Who: Amber:Where: OrbitWhen: During the landings~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amber flew out of the launch bay in the Vespidae, despite the memo left from Jay saying it may not be a good idea. Amber ignored it and flew off anyway. Vespidae wasn't a Hymenopterran ship anymore, so why should the Ffionians worry? She looped and dived between the ranks of Space Eagles and plunged into the atmosphere of the Ffion planet.
Vespidae was rocked by the turbulence of entry, the ship heating up and glowing red from the friction. To the Ffions below it must be quite pretty, all the hot glowing ships entering the atmosphere. Either that or it was terrifying, reminding them of the Hymenopterran raid on their world long ago. Amber mused, she'd read the files Holly had given her about back when the Blue Dwarf found Efof, but she was still puzzled how all of these people survived. All of a sudden she was jolted back to reality as the little fighter ship was rocked as fireworks exploded around her in the air. "What the hell do they think they are doing? Letting off fireworks when so many ships are coming in to land?!" She veered off to the left, rolling away from the fireworks only to be rocked by another volley. She suddenly thought "They are firing at me! Morons!"  She pushed Vespidae into a nosedive, dropping to 100 feet above the surface of the planet. Skimming the buildings and exiting the city she caught a blast to the right engine of the Vespidae knocking the ship in a wild course downwards. The ship hit the deck and  Amber banged her head on the instrument panel.
She woke up in a bed."Where am I?" She mused out aloud. Rubbing the bump on her forehead. A well dressed Ffionian came into the room."Ahh, you are awake my dear. Would you care to join me on a walk into the city. It's such a fine day and we can't waste it can we?" He turned and left, leaving Amber confused and no wiser as to where she was or who the rich Ffion was.

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