Blue Baron, Purple Apple, and Mayan Brown

Who: Kevn and Rico
where: Unknown, in custody
when: after an unnescessary body cavity search
Kevn and Rico were being lead to an interogation room, three guards
were behind them, all wearing blue uniforms and packing some serious
heat. The only thing Kevn had was his father's cane, the guards
guessed that Kevn was crippled and decided that it would be more
polite if they didn't snatch it away, and to keep the guards fooled
Kevn faked a limp... so far they were not completely fooled...
"So..." Kevn looked to one of the guards, "Where are we anyway?"
"Look out the viewport over yonder," said the guard.
(Apparently these guards have a Shakespearian vocabulary...) Kevn
managed to get a peak out of the viewport and saw that they were
still in space, he also got a view of the outer hull of the ship they
were in. It was blue.
"Hold on.... Is this the Blue Dwarf?" Kevn asked, "That's blue out
there, is this Blue Dwarf?"
"Are you daft?" asked the guard, "That's clearly red, and this ship
is called the RED DWARF."
"Uhh.... No... That was blue," Kevn said.
"Are you colour blind? Its red... This is Red Dwarf, Blue Dwarf's
sister ship... and Blue Dwarf's been missing for ages!"
Kevn cocked his head and looked at the guards uniform, "So you're
wearing red?"
"Yes," the guard pointed to Kevn's head, "And your hair has turned
"I'm confused, my hair is purple when I'm confused.... when I'm sick
its green."
"Now youre confusing me. You're saying that when you feel like youre
going to blow chunks your face turns green? The grass is purple, so
is one's face when about to lose their lunch. Green is the colour of
grape juice and is the colour of Mace Windu's lightsaber in Star
Rico leaned over to Kevn, "what the hell?"
"Somehow we've traveled across worlds and ended up in a place where
the names of colours are different... Blue is called red and green is
purple... That means that purple means stop and blue means go... oh
this place is going to make my head explode!"
Soon they were taken into a small white, err, room that they said it
was black but was white, room... Inside was a a cheerful looking
woman wearing a badge that said she was the head of security.
"Hello," she said, "I'm Rose, chief of security. Who are you two?"
"I'm Kevn, and this is Rico," Kevn sat down in a chair, "Why are we
being treated like prisoners?"
"Because you are prisoners. You came through the void and nearly
ended our experiments because of it!"
"Well sorry that we nearly ended your science experiment! Now time
for my questions!"
"Fine, shoot!" Rose said.
"Why am I like this? I was reading in the library your void is in,
and suddenly I'm able to figure out simple multiplication, and that's
only scratching the surface!" Kevn snapped his finger at one of the
guards, "You there! You have that buzzing ball you found on me, show
it to her!" The guard pulled out the ball and handed it to Kevn, and
he showed it to Rose, "I have never made anything like this until
after I woke up with two different eye colours and a headache! And it
lead me to your void again. Have an explanation?"
"This is what nearly ruined our void, and you don't know what it is?"
"No I was hoping you'd know."
"It's supposed to rip the membrane of the void and closing the door
in between our worlds..."
"Can we get back?"
Because we need to keep you here for studying. You'll be free to roam
the science decks, but you are not permitted to go and mingle with
other crew members, just us and other scientists."
"I don't think so..."
"You don't have a choice... It's that or we probe you with invasive
tests that we only use with our unruly guests..."
"Okay!" Kevn raised his hands in the air, "I need to get some sleep
and some food anyways! I don't mind you testing us! So where's your
nearest dispenser?"
Rose grinned and let Kevn and Rico out.
"What are you doing?!" Rico said, "You can't actually agree with
"I don't but the best thing to do is not get ourselves on their bad
side while we're at their mercy, enjoy it. Like... an all day's pass
to New New York, you get to eat alot while people want to stick some
sharp thing into you. The thing that's different is that these guys
have no intention on killing us like those New New Yorkers... at
least not yet."
Kevn ordered a tuna sandwich with a glass of orange juice, which the
computer didn't get until Kevn said tangerine juice...

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