*Action* - "Nearing Halkon space"

Three Ffionian ships headed down the Rectal Corridor, Jay was on the
lead ship. He was also fleet Captain so was laying out the plan for
everyone else.
Mk9's ship left the other two and headed out for it's own individual
target. Their mission was to destroy the Urethra turret, a large
automated gun that protected the entire Halkon empire. With this still
operational, the other ships could be picked off from a great
distance, like a large sniper in space.
Jay and Keto's ship headed straight for the Halkon's solar system
which consisted of a large space station called the "Colon" and the
Halkon's home planet. As far as Jay knew, the plan was to wipe out all
of the Halkon's military installations and any weapons they could use
against the Ffionians. Then just give them the finger and return home.
Clean and efficient.
With Mk9's ship heading off to the right, Keto's ship pulled forward
alongside Jay's. It was like seeing one large skyscraper try to
overtake another.
"Increase speed!" Jay barked the order.
"But we're at normal cruising speed sir!" Said a Ffionian clown.
"I don't care, I don't want Keto to overtake us, on a matter of
-------------Mk9's ship----------------
Mk9's bridge crew were airheaded bimbo's, so Barf and Rika sat down at
the controls of the large Ffionian battleship and flew it directly at
their target. It was a large Phallic cannon floating in space.
"They've seen us." Shouted Rika, alarmed as she saw the turret slowly
rotating to their direction.
"Evasive manoeuvres!" Said Mk9. "Keep us moving around it so that it
can't get a fix on us. Get us as close to it as you can, it'll have a
harder job tracking us then."
Rika and Barf nodded, both of them having no real idea if they were
pressing the correct buttons on the Ffionian computer consoles.
To add to the hopeful confusion of the automated turret, Mk9 next
ordered the fighters to be launched. A wing of Space Eagles from the
Blue Dwarf launched out of the Ffionian's flight bay and buzzed around
the turret like flies.
Unfortunately they did no good, the turret was determined to target
the large battleship.
"We're too far away!" Said Barf. "If we were closer it would have to
turn more to point at us…" but as soon as he had said that, the turret
had fired it's first shot. It was a thin red cutting beam that sliced
off the top half of the ship.
"Oh my god, they've destroyed the shopping mall!" said one ditzy
blonde Ffionian.
The next shot was fired directly at the bridge. It pierced the
viewscreen and vapourised the Ffionian woman directly to Mk9's left.
"Bloody hell!" He shouted. Emergency forcefields came up to stop them
from loosing pressure. Mk9 looked behind to see a perfect hole cut all
the way through the ship.
Efof looked through the hole at the front and waved through. "Yoo
hoo!" he said. Barf pulled him to the floor.
Sparks flew everywhere, and the entire ship creaked and shuddered. It
was pretty clear that the ship wasn't going to be in much of a working
state for much longer.
"Mk9… the steering… I mean, the navigation… well it's not working."
"Not at all?"
"We're fixed on this same course. In 5 minutes we'll crash straight
into that thing."
Mk9 grimaced and gave the order that he really didn't want to give, as
this was his very first command and everything.
"Alright everyone, abandon ship, everyone get into the escape pods."
He looked around, having a moment of doubt. "There ARE escape pods
aren't there?"
Fferna nodded Mk9 sighed in relief.
"They're only big enough for two people each though." Said Fferna.
Everyone exited the bridge and Mk9 took a last look at the viewscreen.
"Well at least we'll take the turret out. Ramming it might not have
been the most efficient way, but it works for me!"
------------Jay's ship-----------------
Jay could see the "Colon" as a speck in the distance, which meant they
would reach it in less than 5 minutes. He could also see the Halkon
planet shining brightly behind it, a glistening emerald colour.
"We're nearly in the solar system Captain." A Ffionian clown told him.
"Good, I-"
Jay stopped as the space in front of them shimmered.
"What was that?" he quickly asked.
"It's a forcefield. A REALLY big forcefield! It's surrounding the
entire solar system!"
"What?!" Said Jay. "Is that even possible?"
The clown pointed to the diagram on his computer monitor. "Look, it's
like some giant bubble around the entire solar system. It's protecting
the planet, and the Spacestation, and that moon there…. Wait…"
"It's only half protecting that moon. It's halfway inside the forcefield."
"Could that be where the forcefield is being generated?" Asked Jay,
leaning on the back of the clown's chair.
The clown investigated, then nodded. "There are emitters the full
perimeter of the moon. There is a huge power station fuelling it, and
it looks like it is halfway through the forcefield."
"So if we sent a team to the moon we could plant some explosives and
blow up the power station?"
The clown shrugged. "In theory yes, but I really don't want to go. I
have moonaphobia." Every other Ffionian on the Bridge piped up at that
point with an excuse.
Jay sighed and contacted Keto's ship.
"Get a team together and meet me on the moon. We've got to blow up
that power station."
<OOC – okay guys I've tried to keep this concise. Anyone on Keto and
Jay's ship that wants an adventure can go straight to the moon. We
should probably meet some kind of resistance, either Halkon soldiers
or some automated defence of some kind. Lets not make it too easy to
blow up the power station, I reckon we can stretch it out for a week
and have some really good substories. Everyone on Mk9's ship, I
haven't mentioned the ship crashing yet, so if you want to include a
twist then go ahead, otherwise get in escape pods and come join Jay's
away team! >

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