Rosette, Andy - 'Wake up and smell the peroxide'

"A little help over here!" she called angrily. "The smegger went and
got himself shot." She said, ordering them to carry him to the
medibay. If there was anyone left there, they'd be able to patch him
up enough to reveal the location of who was left...
<End Snip>
Who: Andy, Rosette & her squad, Charles Keto
Where: Medi-bay
When: Unknown time after previous post
Rosette overlooked the shirtless and heavily injured Andy with a sense
of vague disinterest. It'd been un-nerving really. She felt like she
was just buying time by bringing him here. Who she was buying it for
was yet to be seen.
The Medibay was everything that she remembered it to be, stuffy,
smelly and very, very white. Her men slowly dispersed away from her
like some natural-display of osmosis. Some of the pirates simply
looked around the room idly while others took a more active approach.
One pulled a cap off one of the many bottles in the room and immediacy
regretted it, flinging it to the floor. A second later and vile liquid
began to burn a hole through it.
Beside the unconscious cleaner was Charles Keto… whoever the hell he
was. Wasn't there just one Keto? She couldn't fathom their parents
wanting another, especially after their first spectacular failure.
Whatever happened, 'Charles' was nothing more than a jar with green
fluid perched on top of what looked like a particularly large urinal
with wheels bolted on the side. For all she knew it probably was.
Brain-bot's spindly robotic arms awkwardly jerked as it was slowly
finishing re-applying the young man's dressings.
"Well… how is he?" Rosette asked impatiently, feeling like she was
being watched at all times. Charles turned to face her… at least she
think he did.
"The wound is healing quite nicely! Ointment 9 is working like a charm
and I believe that he'll be up and about in roughly… a week, maybe
less. Tough lad he is." Unflappable as always, the doctor didn't seem
to notice that the ship had been taken over by pirates and the one
responsible for nearly killing Andy could very well be in this room.
"Though I feel that I must caution you, shouldn't be allowed to work
for at least-."
"-I don't care doctor! Wake him up, right now!" Rosette snapped at the
piddling cyborg.
Charles's treads wheeled back for a moment. "W-wake? But he's lost a
lot of blood. It's not such a good idea to-."
"Wake him up, or my friends over there will have a new basketball."
Rosette was filling in this roll better than she had thought. Her men
gave a toothy grin in response, making the jar's fluid burble.
Wheeling slowly over to one of the pharmaceutical tables he quickly
snapped something out of one of the open drawers. 'Looking' at the
object in hand, the brain bobbed up and down as though nodding and
rolled back over to Andy. Rosette moved to look over the robot's
shoulder as it filled a syringe with some kind of liquid before
jabbing it into Andy's arm.
A tense ten seconds passed before the janitor began to stir.
Like a being horizontally body slammed by a jackhammer, Andy's guts
felt like it was on fire. Every movement, every breath was laboured
and excruciatingly painful. Having a hole in your chest would do that.
Eye lids fluttering, he slowly took in the familiar sight of the
medibay's ceiling.
He gave a breath of relief. They'd saved him. Thank God.
Andy's eyes wandered down to lady that now stood at the end of his
bed. "Rose…" He would have squeezed out the last syllable of her name
but he just couldn't get it out. Although pained, the peaceful
expression of gratitude on his face was heart-warming.
Making it all the worse when she had to bring him back to reality.
A twitch of a smile graced the stowaway's face before she wiped it off
just as quickly. "Andy, can you hear me?" The squad captain asked
cautiously. Andy blinked twice for 'yes'. Suddenly, a high pitched
voice to his left perked up. "Please! Let him rest, the only thing
maintaining his consciousness is the drugs!" Andy's head tried to turn
to the noise but his senses felt like he was in a tunnel, the walls of
which were racked with pain.
"Shut him up." Rose commanded. A metallic clunking noise issued soon
after along with an equally high pitched yelp.
"What's… going on...?" Andy puffed as he slowly began to notice the
others in the room. They weren't crew members. Rose leaned over the
edge of the bed and stared him directly in the eyes. He only just
noticed that she wasn't wearing her lab 'uniform' anymore.
"Andy, now listen closely to me. This is important. Where are the
others?" Like speaking to a frightened puppy she tried to strike a
fine line between apathy and empathy.
The Janitor's face slowly contorted into a mask of confusion. "What…
others?" "Don't play with me Andy. Where are the other crew members?!"
She bit back, desperately trying to keep her façade.
At that moment, Andy's body wisely began to release adrenaline into
his blood. His eyes snapped open fully and stared at the pirates that
now shuffled through the Medibay. Suddenly it all made sense to him.
She wasn't a crew member, she wasn't even a stowaway. She was a plant
job. Her combat skills, her fearlessness-
"You…bitch…" He spat in cold fury.
Rosette's eye twitched in frustration. "Just tell me where they are
Andy. No one needs to get hurt." Her soothing voice now tempered with
a threatening edge. All gone to waste as one of the pirates suddenly
shoved a gun in the half-dead patient's face.
"Stand down, you idiot!" Rosette snarled at the insubordinate. "I
didn't just drag him up here so you could shoot him in the head!!"
"You…might as well…" Andy growled back. "Never…telling…Efof,
Rufus…worth dying… for." It was obvious from the look in his eye that
Andy wasn't going to talk.
The stowaway blinked at his words. "You'd die for them, just like
that?" She paused and a dangerous glint shone in her eye. "We have
ways of making you talk…" Double agent or not, she had always wanted
to say that.
"With…hole in chest? Not last… five min-……get it over…with…" With
that, Andy's head slumped to his side, comatose. He was now most
useless kind of torture victim, one with no sense of self-preservation
and on brink of death.
One of the pirates turned to his 'leader'. "Shall we take him with
us?" Rosette shook her head with a sigh. "No. He's not going to do us
any good until he stops speaking like Shatner after a heart attack."
She shouldered her rifle and turned to the Jar/lawnmower.
"Keep him alive. If he starts to regain consciousness tell me
immediately; you." Her finger snapped out to one of the large pirates.
"Stay here and make sure they don't do anything stupid. If they try to
move him for any reason without telling me, vaporise them."
Soon the group filed out, leaving only a large, smelly ape-man to sit
in the corner and stare at them.
"Rustle, Rustle…" The big pink tree shuddered in disgust.
"Indeed." Charles agreed.

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