Andy - 'Seeing double'

Who: Andy
Where: Holo deck
When: 1400 hours
Andy wasn't sure about this.
"Th-this is standard procedure… r-right?" The janitor mumbled in
terror. Lying face down on a steel bed wasn't quite what he was
worried about; it was the thing hovering over him. Hilly looked up
from… wherever it was she was looking at in an empty black screen.
"You do this all the time… r-r-right?" Andy added, his eyes darting
across the room. If he could he'd probably be sweating bullets by now.
"Oh don't be such a wuss." Hilly scolded with a curled lip. "Because
of your unusual brain patterns we're going to have to take a direct
sample from your brain stem." Andy's eyes swivelled in the back of
their sockets. It was pitch black to his eyes but he knew it was
there. A massive three inch-long needle was poised at the ready.
"O-our father in heaven, hallowed be thy name-." Andy's fear-crazed
mind suddenly regressed back into his childhood at the catholic orphanage.
"Oh for goodness sake, calm down! Because our holo-stuff was made by
the lowest bidder it's a bit peculiar… so whenever we take a brain
scan we get however you felt at THAT moment." Andy looked back up at
the AI woman. "R-really?" "Worse yet, while you DO have a memory span
for the first 10 seconds of activation you don't. Our chief engineer
carked it a few years back. Now each time we turn his holo back on we
keep screaming at the top of his lungs that he left the kettle on."
The janitor let out a nervous chuckle, which started to turn to actual
laughter. "Y-you know, that's actually pretty – AHHHHHH-…urrrrhhhh…"
Hilly rolled her eyes at the fainted Janitor. All she did was dab some
local anaesthetic on the back of his neck.
Who: Rosette
Where: Express lifts
When: 1405 hours
The stowaway's eyebrows twitched in her attempts at movement. She
wouldn't dare call this 'walking', this was like a drawn-out catwalk
stretch. Self-important, arrogant and useless; much like how she felt
towards these other crew members. Every second that went by her pistol
was feeling more and more attractive each time her hand accidentally
brushed against.
Only this time she would be shooting everything in sight.
In the corner of her eye she noticed an Express lift with a palpable
sigh of relief. Putting the strut into over drive, earning a few
confused gazes, she summoned the lift as soon as he got within arm's
reach. A few seconds later the lift arrived. Milliseconds after
Rosette piled in then forced the doors closed.
With that Rosette collapsed upon the lavish furnishing with open arms.
She jumped slightly as a female voice was heard over head.
"Crew alert, crew alert a new hologrammatic crew member had recently
joined the Pink Dwarf for a temporary assignment. Please welcome a mr…
'Andy Roos'."
Who: Andy
Where: Holo deck
When: 1405 hours
Andy's eyes slid open as he realised that he was no longer lying down,
but standing up. A confused expression melted into his face as he
looked down at his body. He was fully clothed in horrid baby blue
attire. Something he would later learn was standard uniform for an
Ensign aboard this particular vessel. Looking back up, he saw the
hologram version of himself lying upon the table in front of him;
possibly comatose.
Hilly's grinning face popped up next to him. "Well it took about three
tries at least this time you aren't pissing yourself or in the foetal
position. I think we should have all Holo-scans taken while sleeping…
oh wait… they need to be awake to take scans without a great whopping
needle. Oh well."
Andy smirked. "He turned out pretty well didn't he?" The Janitor
stated, walking around the drooling mess.
The AI rolled her eyes as if to say 'typical'. "Oh yes, yes you did."
Leaning down slightly Andy took a closer look at his double. "Wow, he
really IS me isn't he? He's even got my ears. Gosh they're huge."
"Huh… my hair needs a bit of a trim too; getting a little out of hand
"I never noticed-… what is it Hol-err, Hilly?"
"YOU'RE the hologram."
<Ha-ha-ha! Slow volley... Andy's next>

< Prev : Captain Calvert - "Step in time" part 1 Next > : Andy & Rosette - Dynamic Duo