
OOC - Hope I'm allowed to use Keto... this IS a post about my
character, despite him being very very unwell!
Who: Dr Keto, Vanessa Chrysler
Where: Medi-bay, Blue Dwarf
When: After Captain Calvert was shot
"He's loosing a lot of blood." Said Dr Keto, trying to mop it all up.
The Captain was laid out on an operating table in front of him with
nurses and other medical staff frantically buzzing around him. Keto
was holding a swab in the man's chest.
"Green blood?" Asked Vanessa, seeing the green stains over
everything. "I thought he was human?"
"Evidently not. But I've assumed he was 'barely human' with the
amount of alcohol he drinks and the terrible way he looks after
"Drinking lots doesn't give you green blood." Vanessa said, bringing
over some operating equipment.
"Well, I don't know. Maybe he's a bloody Vulcan or something? Let me
just get on and operate on him."
"Is it safe? The blood. Is it safe?" asked Vanessa, standing well
"Well its not dissolving through the floor, so I reckon we'll be
fine. Just don't try drinking it. Oh-"
"When I say 'Oh', I usually mean 'something is wrong'."
"What do you mean this time?"
"Something is wrong."
"Oh" said Vanessa.
"His organs aren't human either. His heart is over there and his
lungs are over ...there."
"Where is his liver?"
"That lump of mush over there. This guy must drink like a fish." said
"Can we save him?"
"I'm not sure, not without knowing his physiology. Maybe if I just
poke things at random?"
Keto started poking a few organs and that was when Calvert sat bolt
upright. Dr Keto moved back in shock. "Nurse I thought he was
"He is... was."
Keto pushed the Captain back down and he protested a bit, flapping
his arms around. "The sedative isn't working!" Said Vanessa, pressing
a mask over the flailing Captain's face.
"Just hold him. Get some guards to- Oh."
"Something wrong?" Asked the nurse.
"He's healing himself."
"Look, his bleeding has stopped. And his wound is healing."
"Oh yeah... weird."
Keto stood away and let Calvert's body do the rest. It totally healed
itself apart from two things. Calvert was comatosed, and he was now a
slightly green colour.
To be continued!! Feel free to speculate on Calvert's illness.

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