Rosette - 'Special Assignment part 3'

"Wow. That's alot of money..." she said to herself, pocketing it all.
"Time for a shopping spree..." she said, walking back out into the
station main.
- This post is a continuation of the previously numbered post in the
series. -
"That'll be one hundred and forty five dollar-pounds please!" The
voice had come from an exactly middle-aged man. A handful of cash was
handed over before the several bags had been taken. Before the
receipt was handed over, the cashier picked up a key from the side.
It had a small plastic tag attached to it.
"This is for you. I have no idea what it is, but It's definitely for
you." he said. Rosette stood there for a second, and looked down at
the tag.
'12c Carpenters street, Orbital Earth Dome 2' was all that was written
on it. Then she looked up, and walked out of the shop. Directly in
front of her, a crossroads sign pointed in four directions from the
centre of the station. Each one had a direction to a different one of
the five station domes that were part of this Space Station. She
followed the one that said 'Station 2' until she came to a door that
lead to a tube.
Looking down at the key still, and holding several bags, a security
guard walked up to her.
"Sorry, No unauthorised personnel allowed here." he said, and waited
as Rosette lifted her head to look at him. Instantly, the guard moved
to one side.
"Sorry Ma'am. Here's your pass. Go on through." he added, passing
her a small piece of plastic. The clip on it made it work very easily
attach to clothing, so she added it to her collar. As she approached
the door, it shifted open on sensing her pass, and allowed her entry.
Still carrying her bags, she stood as the pathway moved for her,
carrying her towards dome 2. As she appraoched the other side, the
path stopped, and the door opened.
"Good Evening miss. Where can I help you take your bags to?" asked a
very well dressed man. She suddenly felt very underdressed, but
nonetheless allowed him to carry her bags towards the place written on
her key.
"What's going on?" she asked.
<tbc again>

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