Seymour - \"TransMed Pharmaceuticals\" part 4

OOC - Sorry for the 'posting domination' atm, I spent the day
sunbathing and writing all this stuff! Send your insults for making
you read all this crap to the usual addresses :-P
Who: Seymour
Where: Hospital, Titan
When: After the TransMed thug had taken Jed
Seymour looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a perverted
nightmare. He looked out of the window where the antidote had been
thrown. He was on the third floor, and below him was a busy street.
The chance of finding the small tablet was slim, but he had to try.
Seymour pulled his suit jacket over his head and walked through the
hospital corridors down into the street. Every nurse, doctor and
patient he passed looked at his shadowed face curiously, but if they
had seen him in full daylight they would definitely scream in horror.
The automatic doors gently bathed him in MRSA-killing radiation as he
left the hospital's main lobby. Out on the busy Titan street he
searched the floor for the tablet.
He saw it laying between a discarded tray of curry and a cigarette
end. Seymour sighed in relief, but frowned in disgust as he thought
how dirty it probably was.
He picked it up and dusted it off. There were a few hairs sticking to
it, and an ant crawling all over it.
He swallowed and hoped it would take effect quickly.
Sadly, it wasn't quickly enough as a middle aged woman absent mindedly
walked into him, making his jacket drop away from his face. The woman
(and her young daughter) looked at him and saw the bizarre growths.
They both put their palms to their cheeks and screamed.
A nearby police officer heard the screaming and quickly pulled Seymour
into his hovering squad car.
The police officer looked at the hundred sexual organs all over
Seymour's body and simply said "Multiple counts of indecent exposure.
You're coming to the station sonny."
<To be continued>

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