Flying Pancake

Who: Justin pancake and his shape-shifting friend, who is
incidentally called "Melchwimp"
Where: Mollopod planet
When: As the Krylons attack, and after Justin was left behind :-(
Justin soared over the dessert on a flying carpet.
"This isn't really what I had in mind mate." He told his shape-
shifting friend. "I was thinking something a bit more 'manly', like a
jet plane or something."
"What am I? Your shape-shifting servant? I'll transform into whatever
I want."
"Alright." Said Justin defensively.
Then Melchwimp transformed into a large paper aeroplane, leaving
Justin gripping frantically at the smooth paper surface. "This isn't
funny! I've got nothing to hold onto!"
"You don't need to, we're almost there. Look, there's some robots
attacking the Mollopod city."
"Oh no, it's the Krylons! They must have followed us through that
teleport pad. Well, I guess we should have seen that coming. Bit daft
of the Mollopods to just have a teleport pad in the middle of town I
Melchwimp's folded paper body then disappeared from under Justin's
feet, leaving him free to plummet to the ground. He almost screamed
until he realised that the shapeshifter was now a parachute, lowering
him gently to the ground.
They landed safely on top of some kind of ornate church near the
centre of the city. Melchwimp turned into a pair of binoculars to
allow Justin a better look. "They're definitely coming through the
transporter pads alright, and they are loaded with weapons. Each
robot seems to have several guns on it's arms. Look, that one has a
data cannon."
"What does that fire?"
"Noughts and ones."
"What?- wait, he's seen us!"
The robot fired a burst of data in their direction. They ducked
behind a small wall and were just showered in binary data.
100000110010101101110011001010110010000111111" said Melchwimp.
"01001111011010000010000001100110011101010110001101101011" said

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