Master Plan Pt.1 - Supply run

Jim's hardware store
about 3:30
The delivery truck pulled into the parking area.
Jim stubbed out a cigarette and smiled. He had been waiting for this
consignment for, ooohh easily 3 hours. He waved to the delivery man.
Colin the delivery man waved back...but he was a worried man. He was
expecting Jim to be a very unhappy man when he heard the news.
Jim, oblivious to the worry, opened the cab door. "Hi Colin, how are you
"I'm OK sir."
"Stop it with the sir stuff, this isn't the JMC. So is this a social call
or have I got a delivery?" Jim smiled.
Colin gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Well...yes and no..."
Jim's brow furrowed. "How do you mean?"
"'s your delivery, I've got gear for you, but...well..I'd better
just show you."
Colin hopped out of the truck, and opened up the back. There were boxes for
Jim's Hardware Store, that was obvious. However there were some glaring
sspaces of blankness looking back at the two.
"What the hell? Where is it?" raged Jim "Where's my goddamn.."
"I'm sorry sir! Some guy just ran in front of the truck, mumbling some crap
about the ozone layer. I stopped, and he just ran round. Next thing I
knew, the back was opened, and he took it all!"
Jim looked up. "All of it?"
Colin sighed, then spoke in a sad tone. "Yes sir...all of it."
They both looked into the truck together. It was gone for good, pinched by
the Engineer on his master plan.
"Yes sir?"
"Where the hell am I gonna find 200 ladders and big roll of duct tape at
this short notice?"
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