*Action* - "The Krylon Downfall" part1

As Andy Roos died, so did the Krylon's only way of networking with
each other.
The Blue Dwarf's janitor and genius hacker chose to die inside the
Krylon's subconscious, causing real problems throughout the Krylon's
wireless subspace networking. Throughout the Krylon's entire
dimension, Krylon soldiers, workers and machinery just stopped, as
they lost the control that was intelligence that was causing them all
to work together so gracefully before. The robots didn't have enough
processing power to think for themselves, so started doing stupid
things like walking into walls and falling over.
This was good news for the crew of the SS Enlightenment v0.22 BETA,
as a single Krylon had just breached the room where the
Enlightenment's light bee was contained. The bee was a large
dodecahedron that sat directly in the middle of the ship, projecting
all the holograms around it.
The Krylon stood on a gangplank that lead straight up to the large
device, just in front of a control panel. As the Krylon
subconsciousness died, he instantly fell confused and was unable to
do anything. He fell forward and nudged a button with his head.
Who: Jay, Rufus
Where: Bridge of the Enlightenment
When: Just after
"Emergency, emergency!" Said Holly. "There's an emergency going on!"
His holographic head appeared in the centre of the room. "The Krylons
have ejected 70% of the battery power we need to sustain holograms.
Initiating emergency power-saving functions."
"What? What emergency power saving functions?" Asked Jay, but Holly
had disappeared. Rufus shrugged.
Who: Efof and Kara
Where: Krylon Ship
When: Just as the Krylon subconscious dies
Efof and Kara's holograms materialised in the centre of the Krylon
ship surrounded by rows of partially assembled Krylons. A large robot
arm was assembling each on as if they were part of an Airfix kit.
Three partially assembled robots turned to notice them.
"Whose idea was this again?" Asked Kara.
Efof gulped. He was desperate to try anything now.
"Good thing I know Ffionian Karate... judo-chop!" He moved closer to
a Krylon to hit it, and then stopped. It sagged and dropped it's
weapon. If a Krylon was capable of drooling it surely would have done.
"This is weird." Said Kara. But wasted no time, she snapped the neck
of the nearest robot and twisted it's head off. She started pulling
out wires and then when she had done enough damage just pushed the
motionless robot over.
Efof watched around him as all the Krylons started walking into walls
and bumping into each other. "It's actually quite funny to watch!" He
said in amusement, and pushed a robot onto the floor where it carried
on trying to walk.
"I think we should get back, it looks like we've beaten them...
somehow. Holly-"
"Wait, give me a minute." Said Kara.
"What else can we do? They're already defeated. Look..." Efof pushed
a second robot onto the one that was walking on the floor. Their two
robot bodies clanking together as they tried to move. Efof laughed at
the ridiculous sight of it.
Kara pushed her way past the fumbling robots into what looked like a
generator room. She pressed a few buttons and suddenly the room
filled up with smoke. "I owe these guys some payback." She said.
"Well I thought as much... I... I'm no expert but I think you're
creating a generator overload."
Kara nodded, and pressed a few more buttons. Then a hatch opened and
she threw a spanner into it.
The ship started to explode around them. Efof could feel the heat,
but he knew it wouldn't hurt him.
The ship tore apart like a giant Christmas cracker, which was an odd
thing to experience from the inside. Efof and Kara watched as the
explosions ripped the hull like paper and revealed the inky black
space outside.
"Holly. Can you transfer us back aboard please?" Efof shouted, again
swimming in space.

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