
Who: Keto
Where: Stasis Room Delta-12
When: Now
Stasis pods, by their very nature, were not designed to open from the
There really wouldn't have been much point. When inside a stasis pod,
time itself was effectively frozen. Any object or creature, alive or
dead, inside the pod was transformed into a non-event mass with a
quantum probability of zero, freed from the ravages of time until the
pod was deactivated from outside, time rushed back in and the pod was
The stasis system had allowed the Blue Dwarf to keep running for far
longer than it would otherwise have been able to, crewmembers being
unfrozen and awoken as necessary for it to continue on its journey.
The system was, to all intents and purposes, foolproof.
Which only served to enrage Keto further as he hammered futilely away
at the inside of the stasis pod door.
He'd being doing so for what must have been hours now, though he
didn't appear to be wearing a watch and so couldn't tell exactly...and
besides, if something were still odd about time inside the pod then
for all he knew he could have been there for decades, or milliseconds.
All he knew was that he'd been hammering on the door, desperately
trying to force it open, long enough for his hands to be bruised and
And he was hungry. And he was very thirsty. And he was rather
concerned that these pods, not very sizeable at all, might also be
Also, he really needed the bathroom.
All in all, he mused, this was shaping up to be a very bad day. Or
decade. Or millisecond.
He slumped dejectedly against the wall of the pod, glancing out
through the single small window set into the door. The deck outside
was empty, lined with rows of stasis pods which all appeared to be
working perfectly. Why his should be malfunctioning, he had no idea.
Actually, he had no idea why he was in a stasis pod.
Or any idea how he had got there. In point of fact, he had no
recollection of entering the pod, coming to this deck, or anything at
all for the long?
Keto hung his head. The last thing he could recall was...well, his
memories were patchy at best. There was a tree, a big pink tree...and
he was in the medical bay. The medibay. HIS medibay. Yes, that felt
right. And he was the Chief Medical Officer. No, wait, he was a
robot, a brain in a jar. No, that wasn't right. There was a brain in
a jar. But there was a fire. No, that wasn't right, the fire was
BEFORE the brain in a jar. And he'd put it in the jar. Or had that
been on Mars? Hadn't there been zombies?
Had the zombies been in the fire?
Keto whimpered and scratched gingerly at the door again, like a cat
wanting to be let out. He had no idea what was wrong with his head.
The faint throbbing and the pain he felt when he touched the back of
his skull probably indicated that he'd hit it somehow. Maybe he was
concussed. Maybe that would explain the memory problems.
Could robot brains get concussion?
While he tried, in vain, to work his way through this metaphysical
conundrum, motion caught his eye and caused his head to snap round,
gaze locking on to the movement beyond the window the way a starving
man would stare at a sandwich.
Somebody was out there in the stasis room.
"Help!" yelled Keto, ignoring the fact that the stasis pods, airtight
or not, were most definitely soundproof, "Help! Get me out of here!"
He smacked a bloodied fist against the window, leaving a red smear.
"Let me out! Whoever you are, LET ME OUT!"
OOC: Well, whoever you are, feel free. ;)
Been a long time, people.

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