JP - Part 3: Victory?

This is another JP by Myself (SMAndy) and Becca. The last in our Trilogy!
Who: Rosette & Amber
Where: Hymenoptera Homeworld
When: After Part 2
"holy crap" Rosette said, covering her ears. The sound was almost
deafening. Shortly after though, it died down. Only a few of the
army of bugs were left, giving them an almost clear path to the
nearest mothership.
"Now's our chance!" she said, drawing her knives.
The dropship that the pair had arrived in took off and rocketed out of
the atmosphere and back towards the rendevous point.
"You know, I dont remember much about the last few hours." Amber said
honestly, scratching her head.
"what do you mean?" Rosette asked, wiping some green blood from her
arm. "We killed some bugs, planted some beacons, and got out..." she
added, and sat back in the co-pilots chair.
"It was a little easy though... I kind of expected more resistance."
she added as an afterthought, but dismissed it just as quickly.
"I dunno, something just doesn't feel right." Amber scratched her head
and dismissed the thought. "Still, job done I guess. Not long till
i'll be back on the Dwarf."
"Did you say the Dwarf?" Rosette asked, wondering if it was the same
Dwarf that she would be going back to. Something itched at the back
of her mind... Something about Jed, her old Captain.
"I wonder if Jed will be back..." she thought out loud.
"Pfft, Jed Calvert? Worst Captain we ever had, worse than Cannon so I
hear. After the incindent with the green blood. I doubt they'll even
let him off the ground untill they know what he is." Amber said,
laughing at the thought of the cowboy captain.
Rosette laughed loudly, "My god I hated him...." Rosette replied,
joining in with the 'insult the old captain-day' celebrations. "I
don't even know why i mentioned him.." she added, following suit by
scratching her head.
The comms crackled into life.
"New mission. Return to the Blue Dwarf. Aid in the current situation
as best you can. You can return to your duties aboard the ship." The
voice said.
"Yeeha!" Amber whooped, punching the air. "Back to the Blue!" She hit
the throttle, puching the ship into over drive.
The ship burst towards the Blue Dwarf, until every other Blue Dwarf
was in view as well... Filling the normally dark blue sky with a
lighter blue metallic finish...
"What the..." Was all Rosette could say before the ship slowed down.
"Uhh... Which one is ours?" she asked.
"That... is a seriously good question..." Amber said. Furiously
tapping buttons on the scanner and looking for frequency differences
in the comm signals.
"The computer is reading every IFF here... they're all the same!"
Rosette said, tapping at another computer. "how the hell?"
"Ahha... i found the one that sent the message.. It's that one!" Amber
said, turning the ship towards one of the huge Blue mining ships.
"Cool! now all we need to do is find out which one to do something
about...." Rosette replied, and just as she finished, the comms system
cracked into life again.
"Here's a file that holds a signature system for identifying these
Blue Dwarfs. Efof is on Dwarf 17, he needs a hand investigating..."
The comms turned off again, it had been Jay's voice.
Amber piloted the small almost useless drop-ship to the Dwarf
identified as Dwarf 17 and casually landed the ship in one of the
"Now, all we need to do is find Efof..." Amber said, looking around
for a sign of the alien.

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