Nikki's Entrance. How did I do?

The fast paced clicking on the hard metal floor reminded Nikki of why she never wore those damn shoes. The one her ex had bought her before she left Middlesbrough. They were too loud and too uncomfortable. She could already feel the blisters swelling up; she must have been walking like an idiot by now. 'What women won't do to look nice. God damn it!' she thought to her self as she scolded the idiotic fashion sense she possessed. Her nervousness had just kicked in and she was feeling quite nauseous as she entered the express lift. The patronising woman on the screen kindly informed her that from the docking bay to the Psychiatric offices in the medibay was a 1 and a half hour journey and in this time she would be travelling up 500 floors. A short in transit film was to be shown. And what a spectacular choice it was; revenge of the surfboarding killer bikini vampire girls or Doug McClure’s wild and wooly. 'This,' she muttered 'is going to be a long and painful journey.' Suddenly working in an electrical engineering company with her dad didn't seem so bad. But she knew that this ship needed a psychiatrist, not necessarily her, but they needed someone. Someone dedicated, someone smart, someone who always had a pen. Sadly that was not her; she was a disorganised, hot tempered and strong willed young woman. Who would probably end up like the rest of the crew, mad as a box of frogs. After reaching this epiphany she settled for watching revenge of the surfboarding killer bikini vampire girls and sank into the plastic sofa that lined the lift.When she arrived at the medibay she saw her office, walking in she settled herself into he nice comfy chair and began to think of home, the man she'd left behind, the family she'd never see again, the neighbourhood where she'd grown up. 'Thank god!' she sighed, ecstatically thinking that she'd never have to see that she'd never have to see that scum infested, godforsaken smeg hole for the rest of her life with any luck. And at this thought she settled back into her chair contented with that thought.Truth be told that wasn’t the last thought she had of home, she remembered the great flood when she was 10, she could picture the sea scum knocking on her door and asking for her support for their freedom. She can remember being pressured into joining her dad’s business. She hated that mundane run down city, she hated the family of engineers that would take apart a remote control and give it enough power to x-ray someone. And most of all, she hated the smeg head that had bought her these god damn shoes. The man she’d dated since 13, the man who wouldn’t let her get an education. She laughed ‘If he could see me now.’ Middlesbrough was an industrial city and the radioactive waste that was pumped into the water mutated the plants there, thus the sea scum. But it also affected the youngest generation. Nikki’s generation. No one knew how Nikki would be affected. But she had another 2 months before her birthday, so she’d just have to wait.The day passed without any interruptions, no patients, not even the nurses were bothered that there was someone new in a white lab coat sat in a room, which until recently, was vacant. She looked at the blank computer screen and decided to pull up some psychiatric reports made by the ships previous doctor. Nothing, just a blinking cursor and the words ’file not found’ groaning to herself she realised that this was a bigger job then she’d bargained for. Settling back into her chair she thought of ways to keep herself occupied. She decided to go shopping for some practical shoes as the burning pain in her feet reminded her of her poor taste in clothing. Nikki didn’t like to shop, in fact she hated it. So she walked into a single shop bought a pair of converse and realised that she hadn’t even filled twenty minutes. She attempted to create a conversation with a passing shop assistant. ‘Call me paranoid, but psychiatrists aren’t popular around here are they?’ she said, wishing that they were.  ‘No, no they aren’t.’ The assistant muttered quite evidently annoyed by this interruption to her routine. ‘Bye then’ Nikki called after the assistant, sarcastically. This just isn’t going to be my day.Try Facebook in Windows Live Messenger! Try it Now!

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