OOC - Returning Member "Chris Zodar"!!

OOC - He's already posted his return, Chris Zodar is back! For those
who remember, Chris used to be the Chief Engineer of the Blue Dwarf
before CK. Chris died, although I've had a look through the old posts
and can't actually find WHEN he died. If anyone can find it please
let us all know!
His new profile follows: (this can also be found athttp://www.bluedwarf.co.uk/crew/engineers-repair-crew/chris-zodar)
Character Name Chris Zodar
Gender Male
Age 25
Species Mechanical/Human Hybrid
Nationality Australian
Department Engineering
Desired Rank Lieutenant
Character's Physical Appearance
6 Foot tall, dark hair (used to be reddish, but darkened over time),
athletic build.
Character's Personality and Interests
Zodar lives for technology and all things mechanical.
He is an all round nice guy, though has been the receiver of many a
hurried, unrealistic request, and may be ready to crack. Previously
very naive (correction: extremely naive), Zodar has grown up a fair
bit since originally joining the Blue Dwarf crew.
Character's history/background story
Chris Zodar is and always has been an engineering genius. He
graduated from JMC Academy at the head of his class, and quickly
found a home on Blue Dwarf.
While on Blue Dwarf, Zodar has numerous times created non-standard
mechanical creations for fun, which have more often than not saved
the crew in some entirely unexpected way.
He has seen many adventures, transformed into the flame
commanding 'Pyrogen', survived (barely) the Blue Dwarf Big Brother
house, and fallen in love. (aww...)
While he was alive that is.
Zodar died a few years ago while in active service as Blue Dwarf's
Chief Engineer.
They even served apple juice at his wake. (Chris wasn't old enough to
drink when he first joined, so the barkeep served him apple juice
whenever he asked for lager.)
But somehow Chris Zodar is back.
Not a hologram, but appearing to be a living, breathing human.
It is unclear exactly how he has returned from the dead.
This will be discovered in time.
Character's favourite phrases/sayings
"The blue wire's connected to the red - oops."
"You see, THIS is why I always put an emergency off button on my
"This is the last time I'm fixing this. May I suggest getting a

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