Pancake meets Eckerslike pt3

Who: Justin Pancake
Where: Willy Eckerslike's apartment, New Tenerife
When: After Eckerslike's rant
Justin shuddered slightly. Eckerslike was giving him a weird feeling.
It was hard to forget this was the boss of the entire JMC talking, he
wondered if Eckerslike had a plan to ban all lunch breaks and make
them all work 24/7 like Hymenoptera do.
Justin felt so uncomfortable that he felt like he should leave. He
stood up.
"Going so soon?" Eckerslike said.
"Yeah.. well... I... um... have to go get some food."
"Nonsense!" Said Eckerslike. "You can eat here! Fferna will cook us a
nice meal." He clicked his fingers and the Ffionian woman appeared
from the kitchen looking pissed off, but smiled a big grin at Willy.
Justin sat down again, and saw the Ffionian girl roll her eyes as soon
as Eckerslike's back was turned. Justin felt bad for her. If she was
actually a slave, she might try and poison Eckerslike's food, and he
didn't want to die! Maybe he should rescue her from him afterall. He
fantasized about it, he'd rescue her dramatically and give Eckerslike
a flying kick to the chest. Then they would escape and the Ffionian
woman would fall in love with him and they would make love.... Justin
paused. He wasn't even sure how Ffionians had sex. Weren't their sex
organs on their heads? He wasn't sure how romantic that would be.
Justin was roused from his fantasy by Eckerslike shouting some abuse
at the games console because he couldn't beat Justin's high score.
The Ffionian woman came, bringing some more drinks, and saying that
dinner was cooking. "Oh I really should go though..." Justin said.
"Don't be silly, Fferna will cook plenty of food for us both. Won't
you?" He winked at the Ffionian girl and slapped her on the behind,
which she clearly hated. Then Justin realised exactly what the
advantage of Ffionian women was. They had six breasts! Or was it four?
Justin couldn't remember. He stared at Fferna's chest and counted.
She smiled at him, but turned away before he had a proper look. Then
she turned back and winked. Justin's heart was a flutter.
Justin continued to play Xbox with Eckerslike, although he wasn't
paying as much attention as he was still thinking about rescuing the
Ffionian girl from the head of the JMC. They could run away during the
night, and steal a shuttle and get off the planet and then.... and
then.... Justin remembered that the fat oaf next to him was the head
of the entire Jupiter Mining Corporation. He owned over a hundred
spaceships and was on good personal terms with the Space Corps. He
could send almost any ship in the galaxy after Justin. There was
nowhere they could hide.
The girl came back and smiled at him again, but this time Justin
ignored her. He knew there was no chance he would be able to escape
with her. Might as well ignore her then, he thought. This actually
made him feel worse, and he started to hate her for flirting with him
so much when there was nothing he could do about it. He started
putting pressure on himself. What was he supposed to do, give up his
fairly decent job with the JMC just so that he could steal this slave
girl, then live like a nomad, moving from planet to planet in constant
fear of the JMC?
The girl however couldn't understand why he had smiled at her and
given her such attention before, but was ignoring her now. She started
to wonder if she was unattractive to him, was it because she had blue
skin, or the incorrect number of breasts? As the tidied away empty
bottles of JMC lager, she knocked one over and spilt the suds on
Justin's shoe.
"Oh you stupid blue alien!" Justin shouted at her.
His sudden racism took her by surprise. She expected it from
Eckerslike, who was an arrogant ass. But Justin had seemed different
when he first came in. She thought he would be nice to her at least.
"I'm sorry!" She said and quickly went to the kitchen for a mop.
"Good on yer lad!" Said Eckerslike. "Women. Keep 'em in their place."
Justin nodded. Then when she came back to clean up the mess, she bent
down and Justin slapped her bottom – much the same as Eckerslike had
done earlier.
Eckerslike laughed, and his huge belly wobbled. Justin laughed too,
almost unaware of the weird effect the obnoxious Eckerslike was having
on him.
<To be continued>

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