Jayne:- Fixing the Clone-tinuity

< Oops...slight change, last one deleted again!>
I'm calling this a JP between myself and Mickey as it's kind of
like "Rosette find Jayne Redux". I've re-written it to help fit
better with Smandy's plans, but kept in much of what happened…hope
this helps!
Who: Micky, Jayne, soon Rosette
Where: The elevator
When: Not long after Jayne threatened to kill Micky many times...
Stood in the elevator, there was an awkward silence.
"Where do you expect to find the Hymenoptera?" Micky was hoping this
wasn't a wild goose chase.
"I don't know. It could be anywhere…."
"So….what's the plan.."
"We search the ship from aft to stern until we find it, and kill it!"
'Yep. Wild goose chase it is!' Thought Micky. "Oh…ok.." was what he
The elevator came to a stop on the habitation decks, and Jayne and
Mickey stepped out.
Jayne led the way, moving quickly, but lightly so as to make as
little noise as possible, pointing her Bazookoid down corridors and
up toward
"This is going to take forever!" Mickey complained. "Can't we just
go for a drink!! PLEASE!!!" he pleaded.
Jayne whirled around to face Mickey, her face contorted with
She was interrupted by the door to the nearby living
quarters `swooshing' open.
Rosette LaChance stood in the doorway. Jayne had to admit she wasn't
looking her best.
"What's going on out here?" she asked, blearily rubbing sleep from
her eyes. "What's with the noise?"
"Sorry Rosette" Jayne said "Just that this idiot thinks it's a good
idea to sexually harass a woman carrying a bazookoid!"
"Why are you carrying a Bazookoid around the habitation decks
"Bug problem" Jayne replied casually. "We got a Hymie loose"
"Wasn't that sorted?" Rosette replied "Jed was killed"
"Yeah, but there's another….hang on…" Jayne stopped herself "How
would you know that if you were asleep?"
"OH..erm..Holly told me…"
"That's a nasty wound you've got on your shoulder there…."
"Huh?" Rosette replied, looking down at her shoulder and placing her
hand there, as though to hide it. "Oh, this?...it's nothing…"
"Looks like you took a bullet..at close range…" Jayne said,
remembering exactly where she had shot the Black Widow earlier, and
how Jed had been a 'were-hymie', her mind putting two-and-two
together quickly.
"No!" Rosette snapped "Er..I mean no, I got into a fight with Jed
back on earth, he stabbed me there when he was a bug…"
"Oh right..of course…"
"Well" said Rosette, changing the subject suddenly. "good hunting"
she slammed the door suddenly, leaving Jayne and Mickey staring at a
closed door.
"Right" said Mickey. "Well if any of that was meant to be convincing
then I'm a sexual disappointment!" he boasted.
"Well, if that's the case, I believe her" said Jayne dryly.
She proceeded to head down the corridor, resuming her search.
"EEK!" yelled Mickey suddenly from behind her, "A SPIDER!!"
Jayne wheeled around and without thinking let off a blast from her
Mickey fell to the floor he was in a bad way. Blood flowing freely
from the stub where his arm used to be
attached, Micky rolled over onto his back, eyes wide with terror.
"You!" he said "You shot me!!!"
"You screamed about the Spider!"
"NOT *THE* SPIDER. *A* SPIDER! *THAT* ONE!" Mickey tried to point
with his severed arm, then changed his mind and pointed with his
still-attached one, he was pointing at a tiny house spider hanging
from a web in the corner.
"YOU BLEW MY ARM OFF!!" he yelled, realising what had happened.
"Okay Micky. Calm down." Jayne said, reaching into his boot to find
almost empty flask. "I am SO sorry!" she said as she tipped up the
bottle, not much came out when she poured it onto his
"Othe…other boot."
Well. How predictable. He had another stash of booze in his boots.
She opened it and went to pour it onto his wound.
"No! N…" He didn't have the energy to talk, just rolled his head
back and opened his mouth.
"You have to be kidding me." Jayne said as she poured a generous
helping into his open mouth. She took a long drag herself.
"Our fi….first… drink….Jesus! This hurts!" He squirmed about some
more, Jayne took a needle out of her backpack and slammed it into his
good arm.
"Yep. But you wont remember it!" Micky slid off into a deeper sleep
than he had ever had.
"Holly, call someone from the medi-bay, tell them I'm coming in with
<Hope that fixes it up a bit! I think Jayne kind of owes you one now

< Prev : Re: Rosette finds Jayne Next > : Rosette - "Mind tricks"