Katrina:- Fixing the bug's.

Who:- Katrina, Zodar
Where:- Engineering
When:- Shortly after Rosette attacked Jay. Jay Byrd, that is. Not
Jay Chrysler.
"Ok!" Zodar's voice was muffled coming from under the ships main
reactor. "Try it now!"
Katrina pulled a lever and a loud clunking noise filled the chamber
as Zodar rolled out on a trolley from his position.
The exhaust vent rumbled for a few seconds then sputtered to a halt.
"Looks like a blockage" Katrina said simply, returning the lever to
it's original position before walking to the rear of the vast
reactor, to where the exhaust vent connected to the coolant
system. "Try to see if you can open the valve manually"
Zodar nodded and disappeared back underneath the reactor and started
fiddling about with spanners, while Katrina checked a monitor on the
side of the panel showing temperature and pressure levels.
"I think we'll be ok if we keep running at the normal output." She
said "But if we try running the wormhole drive then we'll likely
overheat..I'll shut it down and inform the Captain…"
"The Captain" Zodar said laughing "Does he make you call him that in
bed too?"
"No…he prefers `Colonel Giantdong…'…."
"Enough! Please!!"
Katrina smiled, she didn't easily take offence to banter like many
women may have, it made the day go quicker. There was one thing she
took offence too though, and that was being salivated on by a giant
spider. Which is exactly was happened to her as she turned around to
deactivate the wormhole drive.
The fearsome creature loomed above her. "CHRIS!" yelled Katrina, but
Zodar didn't hear, he was drowning her out with his bad singing.
"Sod it.." she said, and dove to her right, narrowly avoiding the
spiders approaching fangs.
She got to her feet and looked over to the monster, it wasn't
chasing her. In fact, since she'd dodged it had barely even looked
at her and was instead scurrying eagerly toward the reactor. And
Zodar. Oh god, it was after Zodar.
Looking around frantically she grabbed the only thing she could as a
weapon, a plasma cutter, and switching it on, sliced the torch
through the nearest spider-leg to her.
The spider shrieked as the torch cut into it's flesh, and kicked
out, knocking Katrina flying across the engineering bay, dropping
her plasma torch. It glanced back at her menacingly, then at it's
injured leg but ignored her, and carried on toward the reactor,
Zodar chose this moment to come out from under the reactor
again. "Katrina…I said try it….oh.." he said, as he found himself
staring up at the many-eyed face of the Black Widow. The bug reared
up, and Zodar, having nowhere to run, prepared for the worst. But
the spider didn't attack, sure, it brought it's legs down hard, but
not on Zodar, instead it punctured the casing on the reactor's
console and yanked out several cables, including the main power
conduit to the ships vast power systems.
The lights went out in Engineering, and indeed across the whole
ship, along with everything else. Katrina and Zodar found themselves
floating blindly suddenly, in a light and gravity-less environment
until Katrina managed to switch on a head lamp she'd grabbed from a
nearby supply locker and strapped to her forehead, she flashed the
light around the room. "It's gone!" she said when the beam failed to
hit anything that looked remotely like a spider.
"Hit the backup generator!" Zodar shouted. Katrina kicked off the
nearby wall and floated over to the back-up generators console and
tapped in the activation code, the lights around the ship flickered,
before becoming steadily on, and Katrina and Zodar fell roughly to
the floor as the artificial gravity kicked in and decided that it
really ought to be doing something about all the floating people and
inanimate objects drifting through the air all across the ship.
The nearby monitor flashed on revealing the still-battered-from-his-
time-travel-adventures face of Jay Chrysler.
"Chrysler to engineering, what the smeg's going on down there?"
"Little bug problem hun!" Katrina replied, happy to see her
boyfriend for the first time since he went MIA. "A hymenoptera just
breezed in, yanked out the power supply conduit and smegged off
without a thank you..we're on back up power…..we've got, 24, maybe
35 hours before we have to start shutting down non-essential
"Perfect…" replied Jay…"I'm not in the door five minutes and already
have a crisis to deal with…."
<tag Smandy, or anyone nearby!>

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