Hymenthrope - \"Making things...\"

"A hymenoptera just breezed in, yanked out the power supply conduit
and smegged off without a thank you..we're on back up power…..we've
got, 24, maybe 35 hours before we have to start shutting down non-
"Perfect…" replied Jay…"I'm not in the door five minutes and already
have a crisis to deal with…."
The hymenoptera shuffled its way through the corridors, ducking into
the ventilation system whenever it would allow. The large cables
that she had taken had the power connector on one end, and the other
was frayed cable. The ships internal sensors were mostly offline,
People didn't show up on it, although the power system was nice and
bright. This system was designed to help people find a fault in the
system in the event of a power loss such as this.
Jay sat in his office, with his head in his hands... "Why do i have
to come back to this?" he muttered. The loss of gravity had carried
all his built up paperwork into the air, and dumped it roughly on the
floor once the gravity had been restored. One of the pieces of paper
was a half filled out report.... Now burried in a mass of other
He got up, and began to pick up the paper, piling it back on the
desk. A scream from outside in the Drive Room gave him something a
little more interesting to do. he drew his pistol, and opened the
The giant Black-Widow screeched at everyone as it fell into the Drive
Room from a well-placed vent... Normally meant to keep the captain
cool or warm... The control for temperature was on the arm of the
chair, a small control panel. Next to that was a lever, the height
control lever for the chair itself... Without harming a single
person, the Spider tore through the lever, and ripped the control
panel out.
The Bug leapt back into the vent system just in time for the hot air
to start being pumped through the system, directly onto the chair.
Also, the height control went haywire, sending the chair a clear two
metres higher than it had previously been. Jay's eye twitched as he
thought about how he could sit on his chair with it that high... He
also wondered why the chair even went that high...
"Get security teams scouring the ship! I want that bug FOUND AND
KILLED!" he yelled, turning back into his office. As the door
closed, it opened again, and his head popped out. "Oh yeah, and
someone make a list of what its taken, i want to know what it's up
to..." he said, before disappearing again.
Shortly after this, the bug had made another appearance. This time
at Security, the one place that no one expected a bug to go. Most
enemies would have been riddled with holes before they got into
range, but with the scanners offline, the bug approached un-noticed...
That is, of course, until the TV in their office turned off. "NO!"
Yelled Chris. "Not the Porn!"
Outside the office, he could see through one of the windows that
opened into the surrounding corridors. A Satellite dish on the
outside wall that faced another window to space was being pulled off
the wall by a giant spider...
"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Chris yelled as the spider began to leave.
He drew his pistol and opened the door, firing wildly down the metal
halls. A yell in the distant darkness let him know two things:
One. he'd hit a light...
Two. He'd hit the bug at least once.
"Smeg!" he swore, turning off the TV to stop the static. "I suppose
I'd better go and help find it..."
<Tag people... So far the bug has taken a Satellite dish, some
cables, and a navigational computer... What's going on?>

< Prev : The King is Dead. Long live the Queen? Next > : Annie - "Drop dead Jed" pt2