Vanessa:- Eternally Maternal

Who:- Vanessa
Where:- Her quarters
When:- After she'd treated Mickey....again..
EEEEERRRRKKKK! Buzzed the control panel.
"For smegs sake!!" she said loudly before again attempting to tap in the security code to her quarters.
"04-03-08..." she mumbled as she typed in another combination of numbers...that had to be right this time...didn't it? Or was that her personnell number? She hit the enter key.
"GODDAMMIT!!!" she yelled.
Twenty minutes she'd been here. Twenty god damn minutes. forgetting her access code was nothing new. It was something she did on a near-daily basis, but after the eighth or ninth time Holly would appear on screen and let her in, but with the ship on backup power, nom-essential systems, like accomodation security reset's were working...
She leant back against the wall hard and slid to the floor, clutching her forehead.
She'd only been back on the Blue Dwarf for a day, and Doctor Keto had insisted that she report straight to the medi-bay then quickly scarpered before she'd got there. He'd avoided her ever since *that* night, 5 months or so before the Krylon War. she'd then been asisgned to Earth during the war and hadn't been back until today, roughly a year after she'd left. She'd tried contacting Keto several times to tell him the news..but he never returned her calls...she hadn't even told Jay yet because she felt Xavier should be the first person aboard to know!
She was in luck! A security guard was passing.
"'Scuse me!" she said, quickly getting to her feet."
"Yes love?" said the grunt. "you seen the bug or something?"
"" she said "I've kinda...locked myself out of my quarters"
"Sorry love" he said "We're on bug duty, Captains orders"
"I'm the Captains sister..." Vanessa said
"Yeah, and I'm the queen of New Tenerife!"
Vanessa said nothing, but reached into her pocket and pulled out her ID card. The grunt squinted and glanced at it.
"Name:- Chrysler, Vanessa, J.
Rank:- Ensign Space Corp Number #4598675561457451C
Position:- Medical Nurse
Reports to:- Keto, Doctor Xavier."
"There's a lot of Chrysler's in the world could be anyone of them.."
"Turn it over"
"Emergency contacts;- Chrysler, Captain Jay M. - brother."
"Let me open the door for you love!" said the guard, suddenly smiling. he tapped in the security override code and the doors swooshed open.
She stepped inside, her vid-phone was already ringing so she answered.
"Hi mum..sorry I'm late I.....had a problem"
"No problem dear..Ijust wanted to say William and I will be on the next transport to your ship"
"Thanks...has he been any trouble?"
"None at all. What did Jay say when you told him?"
"I haven't had chance yet.." Vanessa lied "You know how busy he is now, being the Captain and all..."
"Of course...never mind, he'll find out soon enough! I bet the Doctor can't wait to meet his son for the first time!"
"Er...yeah right! See you soon mum...." Vanessa hung up then swallowed hard. and pulled a photo of a baby boy from her pocket, she smiled as she stared at the picture of her son. William Jay Chrysler-....Keto.... 
"Right.." she said to herself..."Time to tell the doc that he's a father....."

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