Amber + Rose: Bug Brawl - Part 2

<<Another JP by us! We're on a roll!>>
<Continued from previous part, obviously.>
The spider crouched down before rearing up fast, its front legs
smashing into Amber, sending her flying across the launch bay. She
hit the back wall hard, knocking the wind out of her. Slowly, the
spider approached, having a bit of trouble since several of its legs
had either been hurt by Amber or by Rosette. Amber sat against the
wall, struggling to catch her breath in time, as the sharp legs and
claws of the spider bore down on her, ready to take her head.
Amber gasped in air, winded from the slam against the far wall. The
spider loomed over head and reared up on it's back two working legs.
It hissed evilly and slammed down hard into Amber, the pincers pinning
Amber to the wall by her shoulders.
"You're... lucky... One of them... Is smegged already..." Amber hissed
in Hymenopteran and booted the bug in the eyes.
The bug let go of her as it reeled back, blinking rapidly. Amber fell
to the ground again, but had caught her breath by this point. The
spider screeched at her as another of its legs disappeared.... One of
the remaining rear legs. It toppled over, and lay in front of Amber,
unable to stand on so few legs.
"I'm... Winning..." Rosette managed to say, in the broken
Hymenopterran. Amber heard it quite clearly, and watched as the bug
pushed itself back up with the remaining working arm, moving slowly
towards her. The original Hymenopterran voice that belonged to the
spider spoke slowly.
"I'm... Still going to.. Kill you..." It said, reaching up as it got
closer. Amber could only watch with amazement as the spiders abdomen
burst open, the silky exoskeleton falling away in bits, the legs and
claws also vanishing.
All that was left was Rosette, who wrapped an arm around Amber,
struggling to stand. "I... Can't move my legs..." she said, but it
was no wonder, since all the spiders legs had been hurt by the two
working together.
"This is gonna hurt..." Amber said, although Rose wasn't sure who she
meant it'd hurt for. She threw her torn jacket over Rose and picked
her up. Supporting her as best she could grimaced her way to the cargo
bay doors. "What the hell.... Was that?" Amber asked in disbelief,
only knowing that Rose was injured and needed to get to the Medi-Bay.
"It's a... Long story." She said, "I don't even remember all of it..."
she added, before looking up at Amber. "Thanks for not killing me."
she managed. She was breathing deeply, almost struggling to stay
"I knew something was up when I saw the skin on the leg. Couldn't kill
it.... you" Amber correcterd herself, not thinking of the Bug as Rose
at all. "Till i knew what was going on." Amber bundled the two of them
into a turbo lift and punched in the code for the Medi-Bay.
"I can still feel it..." She said, as though the bug was still there.
"Trying to... fight again..." She added. Amber still had a tenuous
link to the hive mind of the Hymenoptera, so she could sense the bug
part of her, though it was much weaker than it had been before.
"How do you speak Hymenopterran?" Rosette asked. She'd never thought
of asking, even though their mission together to the Hymenopterran
homeworld had shown Amber's ability to 'speak' the language.
"I dunno, it's just part of me. I guess the mixture of Evil-Phils
implant and the Bliss drug compined with my DNA to leave it stuck in
my head. I just can. I don't question it. Why? I'd have thought you
could with you being half-bug." Amber looked over at the wounded
woman, they both looked liked they had been in a serious fight. Amber
made a mental note to say that they had been caught in the fighting
down in the Mollopod System.
"I can't..." She said, "I think only the bug part of me can..." she
said, trying to tap into the memories of the past few weeks. She
concentrated hard, and eventually managed to create a sound similar to
the Hymenopterran word for 'Food' which coincidentally was very
similar to the one for 'human'.
"i don't even know what that means, it's the only sound i can
remember..." she explained. "It's strange, when you spoke english
earlier, I couldn't understand you... It just sounded like static..."
"Makes sense, humans can't understand Hymenopterran, so logically they
can't understand us.... Oh, the word you said was food... I'd not make
a habit of that, people might get the wrong idea...." Amber said,
glancing sideways at Rose, un-easy around the hybrid.
"I think I can walk now..." she said, moving her legs a bit. Amber
put her down, and indeed, she was able to stand, and walk enough to
make it to the medi-bay. Somehow, she could sense Ambers uneasiness
around her. "It's too hurt to do anything now... By the time it's
ready to try anything again, I'll be able to control it." she said.
She held an arm out, and the claws began to appear at the tips of her
fingers, before fading away again.
"See?" she said, resuming the walk towards the medi-bay. She was kind
of aprehensive about seeing the Doctor now, considering he was
probably going to find out about her...
Amber slumped a bit upon releasing Rose, her shoulders screaming in
agony by the time they reached the Medi-Bay doors.
Only to find them locked.
<tag/TBC. I believe Becca is going to prod Chris/Keto into posting!>

< Prev : Amber + Rose: Bug Brawl - Part 1 Next > : 'Unlikely'