Nikki - Numbers part 1

Who: NikkiWhere: The MedibayWhen: an hour after last postThe Memories slowly came to a halt as Nikki was left stood waiting in this void. Her wrist started to throb as reality began to flood back in. Colours swirled, voices were muffled and above all she hurt like hell. Psychiatrists were not meant to be superheros and over the last few day’s Nikki had been running around fighting giant insects and killing mutants. She attempted to sit upright in the commotion of colour that surrounded her. A holographic nurse wandered over ‘Your wrist is broken, you’re in a great amount of pain and you have suffered from intense stress. Please see the nearest medical and psychiatric officials as soon as possible.’ Nikki turned round to see the Hologram that was giving her this advice ‘Sorry to tell you, but I am the psychiatric official.’ She swung her legs off of the edge of the bed and ignoring the nurses objections proceeded to get up. She wandered into her office and picked up the spare clothes in her locker, after that encounter with Y-19 she always kept a spare set of clothes in there. Stepping out of the medibay and into the corridor Nikki winced at the dull throb in her arm. She walked to the turbo lift quite calmly as one thought ran circles in her head, a code or even a set of co-ordinates. Now she needed a ship. She arrived in the drive room looking remarkably more sane than the last time. The room was a lot emptier than it should have been. Only a skeleton crew was left behind to manage the ship. What the hell had she missed now? She passed straight through to the captain’s office. He seemed shocked to see her, Nikki couldn’t tell whether it was because she was up and about or whether it was that she was tidy this time. She presented him with co-ordinates she obtained from a letter Jed received when he became captain. ‘That’s all well and good Doctor Baines but; A. You disregarded a direct order and B. We’re at war, there are no ships.’ Nikki looked at him indignantly ‘Now you see Captain as much as I respect you I wasn’t in the best frame of mind at the time and one blue midget isn’t going to be missed. Oh and its Jones not Baines. I’ve decided to disregard my responsibilities towards my fiancée so I’ve dropped his name.’ The captain was too tired to argue anymore, he gave her permission to fly a blue midget to the co-ordinates on the screen. But only because they were relatively close to their current position. Nikki sat down at the controls of her newly ‘acquired’ blue midget. By ‘acquired’ she meant she stole it off of some maintenance guy by distracting him with a chocolate bar. She couldn’t work out who was more surprised, the maintenance guy because the blue midget had disappeared or her because that plan actually worked... The ship took off from the landing bay and headed for a small moon at co-ordinates 09013. That number sounded so familiar. Nikki settled down in the tiny ship for a two day flight.  Share your photos with Windows Live Photos – Free Try it Now!

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