Teleporting Tapas.

Who: ManyWhere: PlacesWhen: Times~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amber sat in the cell, a few others with her. She sighed and looked over through the force fields to Rufus, who had a face like thunder. Scared thunder. She hated being back here, in this place this planet where her mother died. She felt so guilty, the way that she had acted with Rufus was beastly. He was upset, hurting still and she had been unthinkable brutal with him. She grumbled under her breath cursing every Mollopod under the sun and vowed to kill them all. Next one to cross her path was going to have a bad day.--- Earlier ---Keto glared at Amber to leave. In Rufus' own lab, shooed out by Keto. Vanessa shot Rufus a pleading glance, but he just glared at her, a moody teenage look that had 1000 meanings all lost to Amber. She gently tugged on Rufus' arm to get him out of the lab. The boy wonder not following until he had set the auto lock sequence for when Vanessa and Keto left. "What?" He asked Amber, who had an angry look on her face.The conversation that followed had not gone well. They ended up at the medi-bay, Amber pushing though the doors and screaming at Rufus as she threw a scalpel through the holographic form of Tara."SHE'S DEAD!"The scalpel clattered to the floor, silence followed."I see." Rufus said, his face blank. Amber could feel the emotion behind the mask that he threw up. He turned to leave the room, back facing her he carried on speaking. "You've made your point very clear." "Rufus I..." She started forwards, her arm going to grab his shoulder, but the doors slid closed on him. She sank to her knees, furious with herself and her insensitivity. --- Soon After ---Rosette burst into the Medi-bay, in a bit of a blur a new crew member accused her of something. Her mind wasn't really on anything, anything but Rufus and what he was doing. They were running down the corridor when one of the devices flew up behind them, straight into the back of Amber's head. It all went dark.--- Now ---Rose collapsed to the floor, slowly changing back. "Rosette!... Hrsrathi!" She shouted, leaping up and darting to the front of her cell, she pounded on the field. It knocked her back a clear three feet and into the sleeping bench. "Aww, God damnit!." Rufus until this point had been sat in the corner, quietly worrying about where he was and cursing his sister. He had the brief thought, that no matter how bad it got, at least he'd see his mother again soon. Then her voice cut through the blackness. Amber's voice loud and clear into his void of deepening despair. He cursed and looked up, Rose was naked on the floor. The others looking shocked and scared of her. He slowly got up and stumbled over to her, placing his lab coat over her shoulders and shaking her slightly to try waking her up."Rose? Rose are you ok?"<Tag!>OOC - Ok, lame, but I'm back and have accounted for the inconsistencies.   :D

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