Dysart- 'Legless' final

Who: Dysart
Where: Sci-deck halls
When: A few minutes after part 2
Dysart's lips pursed when he heard a familiar whizzing sound. For some reason he'd heard that alien whirling noise before but now it seemed so... weird.
"Hey, anyone testing something out here?"
No answer.
The science deck halls where notoriously unsafe when it came to testing facilities. The labs tended to be rather small and although fine for weapons testing it made a poor testing ground for mobile machines. Much to the chagrin, and possibly medical bills, of anyone in the halls.
The Test robot took a shaky step (hand?) forward around the corner as he did the best to peak around the corner as one can when standing upside down.
Dysart's eyes widened when he immediately noticed the hovering mollopod drone waiting for his approach.
He also noted the explosion of pain in his chest as a sub-sonic dart smashed him in the chest and sent him tumbling down the hall with the drone following soon after.
Like throwing a group of steel piping to the ground, Dysart fell to the sci-labs deck with a nosily hollow clatter.
However, rather than vanishing he recovered a mere second later and glared up at the drone. A memory long since past tickled his frontal lobe. If he had one.
"So, you've decided to go for it again... you think that I wouldn't be prepared this time?!" The robot quickly recovered from the strike, propping himself up on his broken pelvis, and banged on his chassis. A small metal bulge on the center of his chest displayed itself. Just beyond the skin a teleportation nullification field was buried. Andy didn't study that dart for nothing and while he couldn't make something worth a damn he definitely knew people who could.
The mollopod drone began to reel back uncertainly.
"This time I won't be as half-hearted as Andy. I'm just going to kill you all!!" The robot leaned his body forward while his arms slapped down on the ground and launched him forward towards the drone. A metal-on-metal clang erupted in the halls as the janitor/hacker drove the drone to the ground.
A high-pitched metallic squeal issued from the drone as it slid around on the ground like a top before Dysart's arms snapped down and tear out it's CPU core in single controlled strike.
Finally, the drone began dead in his hands and fell silent.
Dysart panted heavily as he leaned on the drone. He took a moment to consider his attacker before looking down at his own limp hologrammatic legs. With a single twitch he deactivated his hologram and considered his pathetic stubby pelvis before looking back down at the drone.
He grinned.
Who: Dysart
Where: Outside Charlie's lab
When: Just after 'continued'
With an airy hiss the door to Charlie's lab slid open.
A Dysart exited the lab, hovering almost a full metre off the ground and with his hologram deactivated. like a bulbous cancerous metal growth, the light lightly modified mollopod drone attached to his abdomen glowed a light blue hue.
Both of his hands touched the tops of two bio-spray bottles on either-side of his hips, courtesy of the Mollopod drone. Just peaking over his shoulder was a massive canister marked 'Garden assassin: Slugs' in big block letters with a cheery grandma waving at the purchaser.
Leaning over and lifting it out of it's wall mount, Dysart pulled the military-class Bazookoid and gave it a satisfying metal *crack*.
"Let's rock."

< Prev : Rosette & Everyone else - "continued" Next > : Chris - Kamikaze style...