Justin makes new friends

Who: Justin, Jayne, Efof, Micky
Where: Outside the prison, near a small Mollopod town
When: After escaping from prison
None of the crew noticed the Spider-like escape pod from the Hymenoptera ship swoop down behind them next to the burning prison.
The door slid open and a rather pissed-off looking bug stepped out.
<end snip>
"Jesus Christ it's a Hymenoptera!" Cried our Jayne, and dragged them all into the cover of a nearby bush.
"Do you think it saw us?" Micky said.
Justin fidgeted. The gooey device in his hand glowed. Jayne noticed it.
"Justin! Turn that thing off... it's telling them where we are!"
Justin held it out at arms length. It continued to glow.
"Throw it away!" She hissed.
Justin didn't however. He just looked at Jayne sheepishly, and when she tried to snatch it off him, it was too late. The Hymenoptera towered over the bush they were hiding it.
"KEERRRRRIIIIISSSSSSKKKAAAAA" It squealed at them in Hymenopteran.
Jayne picked up a hefty stick and brought it up fast to clobber the beast, but it was faster then her. It knocked the stick out of her hand and pinned her down faster than she even thought possible.
Even Micky's arm was useless. He tried to extend the fist again like when they had got out of prison but this time it piddled fresh tea onto the ground.
Another Hymenoptera grabbed Micky from behind, using it's mandibles to pick him up under his armpits.
Justin and Efof looked worried. They were now surrounded and had nowhere to go. Justin was about to make a run for it anyway when a voice came from the green gooey device he was holding.
"Everything will be okay." It told him. "Come with us."
"Well it's been nice knowing you." Lied Efof. "But I think we're going to die. Finally I'll be with my family...." He squeezed his eyes shut.
Then waited.
Then he opened them again. He saw Justin extending his hand to the Hymenoptera as if in friendship. The warrior took it with a smily and spindly spider leg that seemed hairy and gross. It shook Justin's hand.
"Justin! What are you doing?!"
"Shhh!" He hushed. "It's alright. Everything is going to be alright."
Who: Justin, Jayne, Efof, Micky
Where: A cave, Mollopod planet
When: That afternoon
Jayne, Micky and Efof woke up. They seemed to be in a large spider web hanging from a wall in a damp and horrible cave.
They had been dragged onto the small Hymenoptera ship, and brought here. It was a remote enough part of the Mollopod planet that the Hymenoptera could hide here and wait for a larger mothership to come back.... and possibly invade.
Jayne struggled to get out of the web, but it was too sticky.
A warrior bug came up to them and started to cut them down. Jayne tried to punch it, but it remained at arms length.
Then Justin walked in behind it. "Jayne, it's alright. You don't have to fight them. They're peaceful."
Jayne scowled at him. "There's no such thing as a peaceful Hymenoptera! Look at it, it's an evil killing machine!"
Justin tried to calm her down. "It's okay. They won't harm us. All they want to do is get back to their hive."
Jayne gave up on the bug and made a dive for Justin instead. "You slimy little worm. You're working with them aren't you! You're the reason we were put in prison. Why the Mollopods think we're working with the Hymenoptera. You've wrecked the entire alliance!"
"No. That wasn't me. They told me someone onboard the Blue Dwarf sent a message to them." Justin said in defence.
"You're lying." Jayne shouted. "It was you. You were working for them all along. Spying on us!"
She pushed him to the ground and then jumped on him, pushing her knee into his neck. Something dawned on her. "Oh my god. It was you who tried to kill my brother. You were going to take him to the Hymenoptera from the other dimension. You were working for them then too!"
Justin coughed as she applied pressure to his windpipe. "No. No. I wasn't! Well.... okay, I did try and bring Jay to the Hymenoptera. But I did it because I..me... myself from the other dimension told me to, not because the Hymenoptera did!"
"But he was working for the Hymenoptera! So it's the same thing!"
"I had to see. He said I had a destiny!" Justin whimpered.
"A destiny to be a slave to these insects?" Jayne spat.
Justin shrugged, and struggled to get free. "Maybe. I don't know yet!"
Jayne pushed down hard, but then one of the Hymenoptera lifted her off him and threw her back into the web, where the more she struggled the more tangled up she became.
"You'll loose your job for this Pancake!" She shouted. "I'll tell Jay!"
Justin looked genuinely worried. "Please don't! I'm only trying to help! What if the Hymenoptera want peace between us? What about an alliance? What if they want to share technology?"
"An alliance between the JMC and the Hymenoptera?! Fat chance. Willy Eckerslike wouldn't allow it!"
Justin pondered for a moment. "I've actually met him. He's a bit nuts."
Jayne gave up trying to wriggle free and just hung for a moment. She then turned to Efof and Micky. "So what do we do now? Wait for them to eat us?"
This made them both worried. They all tried to struggle free.
The gooey device in Justin's hand made a sound. "Actually... you won't be here for very long." He said. "Every alliance demands sacrifices, and unfortunately you're going to be fed. To the Queen."
"What!" Jayne shouted. "You have a Hymenoptera Queen here? On this planet?"
"Every Hymenoptera ship has a Queen." Justin admitted. "It helps us... I mean them reproduce faster."
The spider-like warrior bugs grabbed Micky, Efof and Jayne and marched them through a tunnel to where the Queen was......
Tag- What happens next? Please bear in mind, Justin isn't really that evil or anything. He's just easily lead!

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