
"What, you think you've got the strength to do this, and keep me from doing anything?" The bug interjected while Rosette spoke with the others about the plan."Look Seymour, shut up.  I'm considering this plan because so far it's the best idea we've had.  If you can't come up with a better plan, or a reason we should not do this, then shut the hell up and let us plan."  Jay called over the intercom.  Seymour opened his mouth a bit, as his mind feverishly worked on a reason to not let the Bug into the ship."I know it won't mean much to you commoners, but there is a Code of Conduct for the upper class that suits this perfectly.  It's Code Seven-Three-Two Point-Four, Paragraph Nine.  You should never-" Seymour began, quoting the codes that he'd been living by.  However, through total reflex, Rosette finished it off for him."You should never wear a black suit to a formalwear occasion.  Black is for Butlers.  Seymour, what the hell does that have to do with this situation?" Rosette asked, not even sure why she'd quoted the rule."What?  No. Seven-Three-Two Point-Four, Paragraph Nine states that you should never let an outsider into your home without the proper security." Seymour tried to cover up, He was sure that he'd got it right, and there was no way that a commoner like Rosette, the bug, would know any different.  She had quoted one of the rules though..."You're an idiot.  Outsiders are covered in Seven-Three-Nine, paragraph Two." She said.  Seymour reached into a pocket, pulled out a datapad, and quickly tapped some buttons.  He sat there for a moment, open-mouthed before turning rather red and looking incredibly angry."Seymour, face it.  You're talking to someone higher class than you.  I was born into it, you gained it from the Queen." Rosette explained.  That too was written in some of the rules.  Seymour turned away and started sulking."Wow, you really put him in his place." Said the voice of the bug within her mind."You shut up, i don't care what you have to say." Rosette replied, but said it out loud.  She too turned red, but in a very embarassed way."Uhh, sorry.  That was aimed at the bug..." She explained, but it just made her seem even more crazy."Hahaha, Now they think you're mad.  I wonder if they believe you can change, or if they think you're just imagining it." The bug laughed.  This time Rosette ignored it, and carried on with setting the stage."I'll still need a luck vir-ointment though.  It won't affect Mk.10 if he's with me..." Rosette said, trying to change the subject back to the matter at hand.  Jay seemed to like this move back to sanity."That's true." Keto accepted.  "It will only work on organic beings..." he mused, trying to think of a way he could get it to work for Mk.10."That doesn't matter.  Rosette has helped us already, so I have no reason to think she'd do anything to stop us.  The Blue Dwarf is her home as much as it is ours.""You're just thinking of the strip-clubs." Katrina said in the background, still angry with Jay.<tag>Beyond Hotmail - see what else you can do with Windows Live. Find out more.

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