Flee the rain

Who: Rosette, Mk.10
Where: Dwarf's hull
When: During the attack on the turrets
"Christ, they're getting a bit close, aren't they?!" Yelled Mk.10 as an explosion went off dangerously close by, as the Starbugs above blundered about their bombing runs. "What's more, I'm starting to feel bad for whoever'll get stuck fixing all this."
"Ktchsss ictcka..." Began rosette, before glancing down embarrassed and simply nodding in agreement.
"Ah, yeah. Once we're in we'll see about getting Amber on a headset mic for translations."
Rosette nodded again, made a vague sweeping gesture with her hand followed by a shrug.
"Yeah, I figure we look for a tech hatch on the side of one of the turrets. Shouldn't be long before we hit an airlock, and then we can get to work."
The pair began walking towards the closest pulse cannon, all the while the vibrations of the cannon they felt through the hull growing.
Mk.10 turned to glance at Rosette, who was having a bit of a hard time moving the suit - the six legs stemming from her back stretching down through to the suit's legs, and her newly acquired abdomen taking up a decent amount of 'trunk space'. In spite of how unwieldy her new form seemed crammed in this humanoid shell, it didn't seem to reduce her ability to kick, as evidenced when she suspected the small droid of staring at her arse.
This spat didn't last long however, being swiftly broken up by a large explosion ahead - the turret now all but destroyed, and a gaping hole in the hull revealing the 'Dwarf's superstructure. Plumes of air billowed out into the vacuum of space, and massive gears ground into life as they worked to seal the emergency bulkheads just below the outer hull.
"Rosette! Quickly, head for the opening!" Called Mk.10, trotting hopelessly forward, trying to avoid going too fast and risk losing the mag-seal to the hull.
Rosette exhaled, and rubbed the back of her neck through the suit.
"You'll die you know. Out here, in the black abyss. You'll die."
"Says you!"
Rosette inhaled sharply, and tore off her space suit. getting down on all eight limbs, and digging into the outer hull, she scuttled towards the gaping hole with amazing speed.
"Rosette! Where are yo-UAARGH!" Screamed Mk.10, turning only to see the semi-humanoid spider charging straight for him. He reached for the gun magnetically pinned to his side, but hesitated upon remembering it was Rosette. She swiftly scooped the droid up under one arm, and dove through the rapidly closing bulkheads just in time.
Mk.10 picked himself up off of the floor, and turned to see Rosette panting heavily in a pile on the floor.
"Hey, you alright?" he asked
Rosette, still taking beep breaths, swallowed, and managed a nod. After a few more seconds of recuperation, she picked herself up and glanced around.
"Uh, you may want this." said Mk.10, an outstretched claw holding a top drawn from the bag Rosette had handed him earlier, with two slits up the back to allow for her new appendages. The rest of his body turned away out of what he figured was courtesy. That, and he wasn't looking for another kick.
She smiled, and quickly slipped on the garment.
"Well if you're decent, we'd best see about a translation service." Mk.10 said, glancing back.
OOC: Had to write this bitch twice, ugh.

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