Holly H@ck

Who: Efof, Captain Chrysler and other crewmembers
Where: Jay's Starbug
When: As they attack the turrets
Efof Yuwan'Kar gripped the flight controls in two of his hands, and used his others to jab buttons on the console in front of him.
He piloted the Starbug quite expertly… which is always a surprise as Efof always seemed to have an IQ less then the number of arms he had. The Captain stood over his shoulder as Efof held them on a course direct enough for someone else to fire weapons at a turret, and then veer them off quickly to avoid crashing with the Blue Dwarf's hull. Efof then spiralled them around, ducking and dodging between the buildings that rose up from the top of the mining ship.
"Good work." Said Captain Chrysler.
"Thanks." Said Efof happily, looking behind him. After a moment he looked behind him again, Jay was still there. "Did you want anything Captain?"
"No… I…. No Just carry on."
"Oh. I get it, you want to have a go at the controls! Please, Captain. Sit down."
"No, no, it's fine. I'm the Captain. You're the pilot now."
"Are you sure?" Efof said. Jay was acting a little unusual.
"Well… Okay if you insist." Jay couldn't sit down in the pilot's chair quick enough. Efof grinned as he saw Jay's face light up. "Watch the ramscoops Jay… I mean Captain." He said, pointing through the window.
"I think I can manage Efof!" Jay laughed and piloted the Starbug expertly. "It feels good to be back in the pilots seat actually. I miss this being Captain."
"Oh good." Said Efof. "I'm glad I wasn't promoted to Captain then…. Apart from the fancy quarters you get…. Oh and the extra parties you get invited to…. Oh and that people listen to your ideas more…. Oh and the MASSIVE pay rise you get. Yes, I'm glad to be just a pilot."
"No Efof, you're not getting a pay rise." Jay said, twigging on to Efof's sarcasm. "Or a promotion."
Efof grinned, but was stood behind Jay, so the Captain didn't see it.
A flash of colour on a nearby computer screen caught Efof's attention. "We're getting a download from the Blue Dwarf Jay… I mean Captain."
"Is it Rosette and MK10?"
"No it's…. uh oh."
"Uh oh?"
All the screens went blank, and the Starbug lights dimmed. All of the monitors displayed two words only. "Holly H@ck."
"Jay…. I mean Captain…" Efof started. "That deranged Holly, he's sent us a computer virus!"
Jay slammed his fist down on the navigation console. "Dammit. What's been affected?"
"Everything that's controlled by computers. Engines, life support, steering."
"Smeg." Said Jay, and looked out of the cockpit window. "I'd just brought us around for a second pass too. We're heading straight for the Blue Dwarf with no way to stop ourselves."
<Tag someone save us before we crash into the Blue Dwarf!! >

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