Meeting Rosette

Who: Seymour and Wolfgang
Where: Amber's Quarters
When: After escaping the skutters
It was then that Wolfgang suggested that they lied low here for a short time
until the patrol passed however it was then the two of them discovered whos
quarters it was they were exactly in which they found to their surprise belonged
to Amber FeBuggure.
<end snip>
Seymour walked around in his high-heels and fishnets. "I feel totally embarrassed." Said Seymour. "I am most certainly never ever listening to any of your plans ever again."
"It verked didn't it?" Said the German.
"Yes, but dressing up like a stripper? I look like a pantomine dame, although I have just noticed by looking in this mirror here that my legs are actually quite good... what on Earth am I saying? These clothes are ridiculous!" Seymour said, and removed the feathery scarf from around his neck. He flung Alota's wardrobe open.
"Ah, I should have known I could trust Miss Febuggure to have some practical clothes. It's not exactly an Armani suit, but at least her clothes are more wearable than this tight leather miniskirt!"
Seymour quickly got changed into some of Alota's khaki cargopants and a JMC T-shirt. "Oh for the shame of it!" Seymour complained. "I'm actually enjoying dressing like a commoner, because the alternative is worse!"
After they had both got changed, they headed out of the quarters and down the corridor.
They turned a corner and Wolfgang literally tripped up over a skutter. Wasting no time, he kicked it into the wall where it malfunctioned. There had been two Skutters dragging a stretcher in the direction of Medibay, lead by a Peewee. The yellow armed robot pointed his bazukoid pistol at them. "Halt Intruders!" He said in his tinny robotic voice.
Seymour sighed. "We're not intruders. Haven't we been through this before?"
"Processing information." Said the Peewee and remained quiet for a while before he spoke again. "Holly could not be communicated with. Insufficient orders." Then he lowered his gun.
"Finally!" Said Seymour in relief. "They stopped Holly then?" He turned to Wolfgang. "The skutters shouldn't be a problem if they haven't got any orders."
Wolfgang nodded. "Have they definitely killed Holly?"
"Holly could not be communicated with. Insufficient orders." Repeated the Peewee robot. Then he sat on the ground and started twiddling his robotic thumbs.
Wolfgang looked over at the stretcher they were dragging. "It's Rosette!"
Seymour pulled him back. "It's not... quite Rosette. She's still half in her Hymenoptera form, look at her spidery leg."
"I don't trust her. Hymenoptera are evil."
"She looks harmless." Said the German, an started shaking her. "Wake up Fräulein LaChance!"
Rosette's body started to stir, she opened her eyes. "Seymour?" She said.
"That's Ambassador Niples to you young lady." Seymour said with his arms crossed. "Or... whatever you are!"
Rosette's body was charred from electrical burns. She winced as she moved, and tried to change fully back to Human form but her legs remained black and pointy.
"What happened to you?"
"I was electrocuted." She explained.
Wolfgang helped her up, but Seymour defiantly stood a few steps away with his arms crossed. He tilted his head up so that it looked like he was looking down his nose at her.
"Seymour, don't be a dick. I'm not going to spin a web to catch you in it or anything." She laughed.
"How can I tell you're not lying?" Seymour said. "Every Hymenoptera we've met has tried to kill us!"
"Not every one...." Rosette thought for a moment. "Not Captain Jed. He was half Hymenoptera."
"He tried to kill us every opportunity he could!" Seymour said anxiously. "Even if half that time it was just by being a reckless Captain. But it might have been his Hymenoptera subconsciousness that wanted him to kill us."
Rosette rolled her eyes. "I'm not like that. I promise I won't kill you." She said.
"Oh yeah. Do you have a Hymenoptera subconscious?"
"No!" She lied.
"Hmmm...." Seymour said. He wasn't convinced but couldn't be bothered to have this conversation any longer. "Come with us, but stay out of my way okay?"
Rosette took that as a good sign and walked with them. "Where are you going?"
"My Apartment." Seymour said. "I want some tea."
Rosette felt a cold flush come over her. She remembered the last time she was in Seymours apartment, changing into a Hymenoptera for one of the first times, getting green gunk all over carpets and slimy spider webs all over the wall. "Err... are you sure you want to go there?"
"Of course why?"
"No reason." Rosette said sweating.
Seymour noticed she looked uncomfortable. "Is there something wrong with my apartment? My wonderful ambassadorial apartment?"
"Not that I'm aware of...." Rosette said.
"My wonderful apartment, home to my fantastic collection of galactic wines, and my collection of 15th-17th century coffeetables?"
Seymour saw the look in her eyes and ran ahead. He found the doors to his Ambassadorial Apartment and opened them quickly.
He entered the doors as they slid open. The entire apartment was a mess. Coffee tables were broken and the sofa had been slashed by Hymenoptera claws. Everything that appeared undamaged was covered in green Hymenoptera slime.
<tag SMAndy!>

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