*Actionette* - "The skutters are still attacking!"

Who: Efof, Micky and Jay
Where: Corridor, running from Holly's CPU
When: After the destruction of the CPU
Jay looked at Efof, who was holding Micky up with two hands, picking out some earwax with a third, and scratching the back of his head with the fourth.
"Stop smegging scratching already! We need to get out of here!"
<end snip>
They ran from the Skutters who were chasing them with bazukoids. Explosions ripped through bulkheads on both sides of them, flinging debris all over them.
Efof was carrying Micky, which was not an easy task. Especially when you're a weak blue alien with flimsy little arms.
Efof stopped and panted to catch his breath, but a skutter skidded around a corner and blew a hole straight through the roof above them. A large piece of plaster bounced off Micky's head but he still remained comatose.
"This way!" Shouted Jay, and lead them into the medibay. The medibay door slammed shut, and the thick metal rumbled with the fire of several more bazukoid hits.
In the relative safety of the medibay, Efof collapsed to his knees and let Micky tumble onto the floor.
"What happened?" Asked Dr Keto, quickly dashing out of his office which was adjacent to the entrance. Efof panted for breath. "Holly. Exploded. Micky. Gone weird."
Keto forced Micky's eyelids open and shined several lights in his eyes. "'Gone weird' is right. He's in a coma."
Efof nodded. "Yes. That's when it's like you're asleep right? Yes Doc, I think he's got that too."
Keto ignored the alien and picked the comatosed man up and put him onto a bio-bed.
Jay watched anxiously. "Is he going to be alright? I don't want any member of my crew to die. You should see how much paperwork there is if he dies!"
Keto shot him a look. "For me too! Just let me do my job Captain!" Jay nodded.
Jay felt his phone vibrate in his pocked. "Captain Chrysler." He answered.
"Mister Chrysler, it's Ambassador-"
"Seymour look, I don't want to hear any more about your strip club. It's yours now, you might as well enjoy it, or try and make some money out of it or something. Or turn it into a topless tearooms at least." He joked.
"No, no. it's not that." Said Seymour, His whiny voice coming through the phone. "The skutters have stopped attacking. Destroying Holly has worked!"
"Really?" said Jay.
An explosion from outside and a sudden dent on the thick medibay door made Jay suspicious.
"They haven't stopped here. They're still attacking. Are you sure?"
"Yes. They don't have any orders from Holly. Most of them have just stopped doing... anything." Said the Ambassador.
"But why have they stopped near you, but haven't here?" Said the Captain. "Unless... they're still receiving orders?"
"Mayb-" Seymour was cut off as Jay turned off his phone.
"Doctor. Have you got anything for scanning wifi signals?" Jay asked.
Keto nodded towards the psi scanner on the desk. Efof picked it up and started scanning the room.
"Evil Holly must still be alive and sending out orders to the skutters outside." Said Jay. "Look for anything that is sending orders..."
The psi scanner beeped as Efof held it over Micky' arm. The robotic arm.
"It's Micky's arm." Said Efof. "Evil Holly must have downloaded himself there just before we blew him up."
"Can we disconnect it?" Asked Jay.
"Are you crazy?! It would kill my patient!" Said Keto. "If you need to deactivate part of the arm, Mr Bellhorn needs to do it himself."
"But he's in a coma!" Efof was quick to point out.
"I know that! I told you that!" Said Keto.
"Can we bring him out of the coma?" Asked the Captain.
Keto shook his head. "There's something happening inside his head. He's battling with some old memories."
"Can we go inside his head and help him?" Suggested Efof.
"Shh Efof." Said Jay. "Let the grown-ups deal with this one." Said Jay.
"Actually...." said Keto. "That's not a bad idea. If we could plug your consciousnesses into Micky's thoughts, you could help him battle his demons and deactivate Evil Holly at the same time."
Jay folded his arms. "And you have an ointment for that do you?"
Keto already held a jar in his hands. "Ointment number three-eighty-eight!" He said cheerfully. "Now lets just rub some of this on your foreheads and them attach this wire. It's actually not that complicated, Evil Holly did it wirelessly using Micky's robotic arm as an input device. And the Human brain is really just a big computer."
"What about a Ffionian brain?"
"It's a little computer." Said Keto. "So who wants to volunteer?"
< Who wants to go inside Micky's head for a bit of an adventure into his odd subconsciousness. We've already seen he's met Jed Calvert in his past, and has a few more things to unveil about his personality. Just post that you're in the medibay and either Mike or I will post the next bit >

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