Rosette & Seymour - "Rivalry"

Seymour stepped in and calmed Justin down. "Careful son. Don't go wishing things like that... see how it's destroyed the life of this poor young woman here."
"Hey! My life hasn't been destroyed!" Shot back Rosette.
"Look. Look into the backs of her eyes. She's evil. Please son. Don't be like her."
"But it's so cool! The Hymenoptera are the most powerful race in the galaxy. The best, they'll rule the galaxy!"
Justin was jumping up and down like a lunatic now. He picked up a handful of gloopy Hymenoptera slime from Seymour's antique furniture and rubbed it all over his face. "Maybe this will turn me into a Hymenoptera!" he hoped.
Then he ran down the corridor laughing to himself.
"Something is seriously wrong with him..." Rosette said. It was the only thing that Seymour could currently agree with.
"Enough of that! I don't care what excuse you have, my room is too high class for someone of your standing. I don't know why I don't ju-" Seymour began, but through all of it, Rosette looked like she was about to boil.
"ENOUGH!" She roared, a slight Hymenoptera growl in the background. Although she was in her mostly human form, the spider legs sticking out of her back wouldn't go away, so she made use of them. Three of them reached out and grabbed seymour, while the others lifted them both from the ground. All through it, Rosette looked like she was wincing in pain.
"Shut the SMEG UP about your precious status. If you had the decency and sense to check up on people, you would know that I far out-class you." She growled quietly so only he could hear. She had pulled him close to her with her spider-legs, and the whole act was rather frightening for all involved.
"If you don't believe me, find a temporary quarters until I can recover from this." She said, meaning of course the electrocution injuries she'd sustained in getting everyone onboard the Dwarf.
"I'll prove to you that I am much more than you think, you will learn to respect me, even if it's only because you have to. Don't forget rule 242 part 5."
"rule 242 part 5? but... what does a mongoose have to do with any of this?" Seymour managed, getting mightily confused.
"242 part 5 is 'Respect for those of higher class is a MUST. If you do not respect those that can ruin you, then you're not worthy of what you have.' you're a complete nincompoop." Rosette replied, then dropped him.
Seymour landed on his ass, but before he could berate Rosette for dropping him, she'd fallen as well.
"Please.... get me... to medi..." she began, but fainted before she could finish.
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