Pancakes\'s carrots in Parrotts

Who: Justin Pancake, Seymour, Jay, Admiral Phillips, Dr Keto
Where: Parrotts Bar
When: Now
"I could scan with this psi-scanner." Said Keto. "But not the entire ship. If we
plug it into a power source maybe we can."
"But... it's huuuuge!" Said Jay.
"Indeed. I'm not carrying that!" Said Seymour.
<end snip>
Justin had been watching and waiting for his moment to shine. Waiting for a
moment he could prove to the Captain (and maybe to the Admiral too) that he was
a good officer, and had good ideas – and might deserve a promotion.
"I have an idea!" He said as he stepped forward. All eyes turned on him
suspiciously. Trainee Engineer Justin Pancake had never come up with a good idea
in his entire life.
"What is it Pancake?" The Captain asked, not expecting too much.
Ambassador Nipples sighed. "Just ignore him. It's not going to be anything
"It is!" Justin said.
And it was a great idea. Unfortunately, Justin had been drinking heavily in
Parrotts since before they were all shrunk. And had been drinking even more
since, especially as he thought he was getting his moneys worth. The Jack
Daniels and coke he bought for $£2.50 was now larger than his apartment.
Needless to say, he was feeling a bit queasy. The alcohol filled his stomach
like a water balloon, ready to erupt.
Unknown to Justin, a terrapin blinked into view in perfect firing line.
"I heard Dr Keto say we need to plug into a power source. There's a compatible
power lead in the-"
The terrapin fired, catching Dr Keto in the back. Her eyes immediately became
dazed as she became under their control. He lashed out with his leg and did a
roundhouse kick right into Justin's stomach.
Justin winced from the pain, but couldn't control the eruption from his belly.
He vomited brown alcoholic liquid all over the Captain's boots.
Justin looked up, sick dripping from his gob. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" He said,
but Keto kicking him up the bum as he was doubled over caused him to vomit some
more. This time lumpy beige stuff that looks like it might have been the kebab
he had after he finished work.
The brown lumps clung to Captain Chrysler's ankles and feet like sticky maggots.
He looked down at them, and then at Justin.
"Captain. I'm so, so sorry." Justin said. "And please, I hope this doesn't
impact on my 6-month pay review."
Justin winced as he waited for Jay to speak.
<Tag Jay for your response?!>

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