Knife slicing Pancake

Who: Rosette, Justin and the others
Where: Anonymous dirty takeaway on the promenade
When: As Seymour is about to be eaten
The other two chefs watched and cringed as the customer took the
burgers away. What they didn't see was the small head of a Royal Ambassador
stick his head out between a burger and partially melted cheese and call for
<end snip>
The team quickly ran from the stove and leaped over onto a different surface in
the takeaway restaurant. This one was a flat surface where the salads were
prepared, and had several lettuces and onions ready for cutting up.
Naturally, the team took cover behind whatever they could, trying to get closer
to see Seymour, but not wanting to expose themselves without cover. This was
their Space Corps training kicking in, where they were given the most basic
understanding of the importance of cover in battlefield situations.
Justin wondered if the SpaceCorps ever intended for those skills to be used in a
massive takeaway kitchen.
He crouched behind an onion as big as a boulder, next to Rosette. He panted as
he was totally out of shape, and drank way too much. Rosette though was in
athletic condition, and she stared at him with curious distaste. Justin leaned
on the onion. "So, Rosette..." He said.
The onion rolled over, and continued to roll. It gathered speed and almost
squashed Wolfgang, who had to quickly dodge out of the way. "Oops!" Justin said,
and followed Rosette to behind the lettuce.
Justin stared at her. She was amazing. A beautiful Human being with the deadly
combination of half-Hymenoptera killing machine.
"Leave me alone!" Rosette said, as Justin stared at her far too long to be
Justin realised he was freaking her out. He idolised her so much and desperately
wanted the power she had of the Hymenoptera.
"Why don't you save him?" Justin said. "Seymour I mean."
"How?" Rosette asked with a frown on her face, regarding Justin as he was an
"You've got the power of the Hymenoptera. You're incredibly powerful! I've seen
what the Hymenoptera can do!"
Rosette scoffed at him.
"I'm serious!" Justin said, pulling her to look at him. "You're one incredible
killing machine! You could just run over there where some fat chubber is about
to munch into a Seymour sandwich and jump up and slash his throat with your
insect claws. I know you can!"
Rosette shrugged him off and pushed him back with enough force for him to fall
onto his back. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" She shouted at him. "How do you know
what I'm capable of!!"
Her arm changed into a black insectoid tendril and she pointed it at his throat.
"You don't even understand how hard this is. This isn't just a super-power, it's
a curse!" She screamed at him. "I never asked for ... this." She said, looking
at her disfigured hands. Another sharp black tendril sprouted from her back.
"There's a creature inside me... and it's really hard to control." She said.
More Hymenoptera legs sprouted from her and they formed spider legs, pushing
into the ground and lifting her up into the air.
Justin grinned, and felt an immense joy as he watched her transform. "Just look
at you!" He said excitedly. "You're perfect! Tell me how to become like you!"
Rosette stepped forward, now on six legs, and pressed down onto Justin's throat
with one of her forward-facing legs. The thin leg pressed into his windpipe.
"You're a sad little man if you want to be like this." She said. "I'm a
"You're..... amazing." He said, choking.
She released him, and started to transform back into a Human. Justin sat there,
breathing deeply and catching the breaths he just missed.
"The Hymenoptera will take over the galaxy." He said, holding his bruised neck.
"And I want us to rule it. Together!"
"Smeg off." Rosette said, and walked away.
Justin was left feeling bewildered. He turned to Dr Keto, who he'd told of his
intentions only an hour ago. "What did I do wrong?" Said Pancake.
"I don't know, but I think it was because you were incredibly creepy and weird."
Said Keto.
"I wasn't! Was I?"
"Well you told her you wanted the entire galaxy to be invaded by evil insectoid
predators. Which is odd in itself... but you then said you wanted to rule the
galaxy with her."
"A little ambitious perhaps?" Justin said. "I know, I know... I look like a
drunk engineer with no real ambitions, but I have plans. I'm going places. I
have a plan!"
"And that plan is to join the Hymenoptera and destroy Humanity?" Keto said, and
crossed his arms.
"Yes. Well, no!" Said Justin. "But..." Justin looked over at Rosette, who used
her Hymenoptera powers to jump onto a cupboard which was as tall as a house.
"Look at her. That's the evolution of Humanity, surely!"
"What? Spider legs?!" Keto laughed.
Justin pointed his finger at Keto. "The Hymenoptera can invade a planet within
minutes. Isn't it best to be on the right side of them when they come for us?"
Jayne pushed into the engineer. "Will you two shut up and do something!".
"But!" Said Justin.
"Seymour's about to be eaten. Come on!" She leaped off the cupboard and onto the
grease-covered floor, where she landed with a splat.
"Okay, okay-" Said Justin, but just before he jumped, an explosion ripped the
lettuce apart.
"SMEG!" He cried out, and looks behind at the shredded and burning lettuce.
Another explosion destroys the onion behind him, and covers him in onion juice.
"What's going on?" He asks and looks around, Keto has already hit the deck.
Justin spots one of the Turtles they'd seen earlier disappear from the near the
frying pan, and appear right next to them.
"Can you see our impressive might!" Said the terrapin. "We have upgraded our
weapons. The Blue Dwarf will be ours!"
"Aren't you a little too small?" Said Justin.
"Ha, speak for yourself puny Human!" Said the turtle, talking eye-to-eye with
"Well, this isn't the size I normally am, obviously. I mean why do you need the
Blue Dwarf? It's far too much space for you. Also nothing's the right size for
you. You probably couldn't even drive it it you wanted to."
"The Temporal Terrapins will never give up, never surrender!" said the
enthusiastic turtle. "We have time on our side, so we'll inevitably find a way
to use your technology despite how big it is."
"Fair enough." Said Justin, and put all his weight on his back foot. He clenched
his fist and brought it forward fast, ready to punch the terrapin in it's
noseless face.
But the terrapin disappeared, and reappeared on the other side of the room. "Too
slow Human! We can slow time down and give ourselves plenty of time to get away.
The turtle beats the hare in this race!"
"We'll see about that." Justin murmered. "I know someone with the reactions of
an insect. "ROSETTE!!" he called.
At the other side of the room, the terrapin's shell-mounted gun lit up and an
explosion destroyed a wall tile behind Justin's head. It sent a large knife the
length of a bus spinning towards him fast.
<Tag. Anyone want to save Justin from being chopped in half by a large knife?>

< Prev : Jayne:- \'Clones\'umerism Next > : Pancake gets some Hymenoptera DNA