wires the hours away

Who Angel and star bug technicians
Where The Hanger
Angel was happy to be back at work, she was lying on her back as she was
rewiring the cockpit,
As Angel was working on the last of the wires, she started to think about her
dream and what Dexter had told her,
But she was thinking more about Dexter, she had a massive smile on her face, she
rubbed her lip as she thought of his kisses, the way he held her, and his eyes,
The sound of the computer beeping brought her back to what she was doing, she
looked at the wiring, she had messed it up,
Angel shouted out really loud, louder then she wanted
Three hours later, and after loads of cups of coffee,and a lot of swearing,
which got more profound every hour,
Angel was finished, she walked to the exit of the cockpit to one of the crew
members, who at this point was asleep on a create, He had been waiting for Angel
for two hours, He was a bit nerdy looking kinda like if peewee hurman and ugly
Betty had a baby it would look like this guy, he had greasy black hair which
stuck to his head looking like he had a bad paint job for hair, his skin didn't
have many spots but was oily looking, he was wearing the worse looking shoes,
Angel thought they looked like a something that Frankenstein monster would wear
his trousers looked like it had been pasted on though generations of nerds, and
as for his jacket he looked like a doctor that just gave up,
Angel gave out a loud sigh, she then walked up to him as quietly as she could
and shouted look there's a the star ship enterprise,
He woke up and jumped to his feet and saluted, Angel was on the floor laughing
at the reaction he gave,
He looked at her as she was rolling around and he stuck his nose in the air and
walked over the screaming mass, Angel tried to say sorry to him but she was now
crying but still laughing at the same time, she was trying to get up but she
could only manage to get to her knees, she was now bent over holding her side
tears where streaming down her face, she was completely red in the face and she
couldn't move, she then realised it wasn't that funny so why couldn't she stop,
He came back twenty minutes later, Angel was sitting at the create sipping her
He looked at her and said in a stern voice as if he was commanding her,
"tonight I am going to be eating at the parrot bar I would like it if you would
be my date," he said as fast as he could,
Angel looked at him opened eyed, she was in shock that he would ask her after
the way she acted and for some reason she started laughing and rolling on the
floor, he simply stepped over her and exited the star bug,
Angel ran after him, after she composed herself, she grabbed his arm turned him
around and kissed him on the cheek,
your a very sweet and odd man but I really need to work things out with someone
who means a lot to me, I'm going though something and I need to talk to him,
Angel gave the nerdy man a smile, you should get out more and meet new people
you'll see you'll get a girl in no time,
He knew this was Angels sweet way of saying get lost.
he spun on his heel and turned his back to Angel and with dignity he started to
walk away,

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