Pancake finds Rosette

"Between you an me, they're a bit dodgey. They abducted Captain Calvert once
they realised he was Half Hymenoptera. And they're the ones who 'accidentally'
turned Rosette into a half-Hymenoptera too."
Justin's eyes shot open as he heard this. "Wait, what? They can tun people into
"They 'accidentally' turned Rosette into half-Hymenoptera yes." Keto admitted.
Keto said nothing, and snatched the string tied to the Dave the dragonfly, and
pulled it away as he walked off.
"Where is this TransMed place?" Justin called after him.
Keto shrugged. "No idea. Ask Rosette." He said.
<end snip>
Who: Justin, and Cassandra
Where: Club "Fister"
When: After Keto left
After Keto walked out of the door, Justin wasn't even worried about his little
pet Hymenoptera Dave. Even though Cassandra was watching his eagerly. "Fifteen
thousand dollarpounds" She repeated, her eyes all glazed over.
Justin got up to leave. "Sorry Cassandra. I've love to stay and wait for you to
get your tits out, but I've got to go see a man about a dog. Or a woman about an
experimental medical research facility. Ciao!"
As Justin left the area of the club where the dancers were, he paused by the
entrance and pressed on a button next to a Holly terminal. "Holly, where can I
find Rosette?"
"Alright dude. She's in a cell on floor 13."
"Thanks man." Said Justin. "Oh... good to have you back by the way!"
Holly nodded.
Justin caught the express-lift elevator down to floor 13, just after he exited
the lift the alarms started going off and a siren blared in his face.
"Shit, they're after me!" He said, thinking about how he'd just escaped from the
cells only yesterday, but was now heading back again. He thought security has
spotted him so froze on the spot. But after a minute, the security didn't show
up, he realised the problem was something else.
He walked towards the cell area, a big metal door which was left open by a
propped show in the door. And a forcefield which failed long enough to step
through. "Tight security!" He joked.
Then there was a crash, and the entire ship shook so much that he was thrown off
his feet and over the top of the prison's front desk. He landed on top of a
broken CCTV screen. "Smeg! What was that!" He thought.
Nevertheless he continued his quest, he stepped into the holding area. The place
was a mess, cells were blown open, and rubble was all over the place. The entire
wall seemed to have caved inwards, destroying the walls that ran up to it.
Two petty criminals barged past him, pushing him off his feet. "Hey!" he said.
Then two security officers came up from behind him, weapons raised. Justin
instantly put his hands up. "Okay sorry guys, I know I escaped earlier but
you've caught me now."
"Get out of the way smegger." The security grunts yelled. Justin rolled out of
the way and ducked, as they fired. "What the smeg?!"
Then he saw what they were shooting at. A large Hymenoptera spider, black with
shines of green on her glossy skin. It lunged out with a long leg, and pierced
the closest security guard through the chest, then dragged him towards it. The
spider slammed him against the ceiling and then let him drop to the floor before
it chewed down on his soft head.
The other security guard continued firing throughout, but the Hymenoptera didn't
seem to mind. The shotgun bullets bounced off it's thick insect skin.
Justin felt his eyes go all watery at the sight of the monstrous creature.
"It's... beautiful." he said.
<Tag Rosette?>

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